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Thread: GGW Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default GGW Questions

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    Andy -

    Posted a thread the other day asking about 4 day splits, but then it got me thinking about GGW, so I bought the book and I have some questions:

    -Currently I am working through some form issues on my DL and I could get some LP out of it as I am correcting issues. Thoughts on doing GGW for squat/press/bench and then throw in DL later? My DL would look like this, still following a HLM schedule:

    week 1
    Monday: 1x2x405
    Wednesday: bb rows, 4x8/4x4/4x6
    Friday: 1x5x405

    Monday: 1x2x410
    Wednesday: bb rows, 4x8/4x4/4x6
    Friday: 1x5x410

    -if the answer to the above is yes its fine, then is it bad to incorporate GGW deadlifts mid way through? For example, lets say I'm running GGW and I'm on week 6, and now what to incorporate deadlifts into it, is it ok to use week 6 percentages instead of starting it from week 1 percentages?

    -if GGW is considered an intermediate program, and an intermediate can add weight to the bar weekly, what should be my expectations on improving 1RM? Maybe a better question is what kind of results have you seen in your clients with this?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    You sure you can LP your Deadlift at 400+? I only ask because I CONSTANTLY see guys running back to the LP every time they have a form issue or a bad workout and it rarely works.

    How long did you LP your DL originally?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Andy Baker (KSC) View Post
    You sure you can LP your Deadlift at 400+? I only ask because I CONSTANTLY see guys running back to the LP every time they have a form issue or a bad workout and it rarely works.

    How long did you LP your DL originally?
    Sorry, i just used 405 as an easy reference number. My DL right now is 355 for 5.

    A couple months, but the past month it has stayed around 345-365 due to ironing out some form issues. Mainly holding the low back position.

    I'm not opposed to just diving right into GGW with my deadlift, just want to make sure i'm doing my due diligence to ensure I'm not leaving weight off the bar. Which is partially why I asked about how much a person can expect to add at the end of a cycle.

    Thanks again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    I can't accurately predict what you'll get at the end of the cycle. But you might do well having one heavy day of deadlifts and another day of lighter deads with higher volume to practice form. Which is what you do on GGW.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Andy Baker (KSC) View Post
    I can't accurately predict what you'll get at the end of the cycle. But you might do well having one heavy day of deadlifts and another day of lighter deads with higher volume to practice form. Which is what you do on GGW.
    As a person who'd never done more than SS-prescribed amounts of deadlift volume and has fought through DL form issues and has (kind of) run GGW, 100% agree with this.

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