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Thread: Hard time with scapular retraction for bench press!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Default Hard time with scapular retraction for bench press!

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello Starting Strength coaches,

    I have been struggling with understanding how scapular retraction should be implemented in the bench press and actually putting it into practice.

    So if you see in this video:

    I unrack the weight and then forcefully retract my scapula. So at the top of the lift its all good but the moment I come down and up again to press it ends up unlocking at the top if I press with any real force. So I have to reset my scapular retraction in between reps as you can see in the video. The problem is that if I focus on scapular retraction throughout the lift and maintaining it at the top then just can't press as hard.

    For a bit of comparison... here is a video where I slightly retract my scapula before the first rep and then do NOT reset for the following reps... so essentially I'm just pressing throughout the set and not even worrying about pulling my shoulders back.

    In conclusion:

    Maybe I am just over exaggerating it in the first video and not doing it right to begin with? Or maybe I doing it right in the first video and need to focus more on keeping it retracted at the top of the lift even if I can't press as hard? If any of the coaches could help me understand which way of doing it is correct that would be greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    You can and should keep the scapulae retracted during the whole lift. It is not uncommon for the scapulae to move a touch on the way up, but full scale protraction is a form fault. You just need some practice.

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