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Thread: Back To Starting Strength

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Back To Starting Strength

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I'm going to keep this log nice and simple, without too much analytical verbiage and the like. I have always kept a paper journal but never an online log, so we’ll see how it goes.

    I have been lifting for the last 18 months or so and have made a lot of mistakes, taken a few lay-offs and recovered from a number of injuries during that time. I am now ready to exhaust linear progression completely. I will be essentially following the SS Advanced Novice program, with a few minor adjustments:

    • Short intense conditioning after each work out (eg: Prowler sprints, Kettlebell complexes, jump rope, one mile timed runs etc )
    • Dips and curls once a week
    • Pendlay rows instead of power cleans ( I know they aren’t a replacement and I know I should learn to power clean, which I promise I will)

    I will be consuming a small caloric surplus to gain a bit of weight while keeping fat gains to a minimum (yeah I’m vain). I am aware that strength gains will be slower as a result and thus I will be micro-loading for the most part. I’m just not prepared to sacrifice my conditioning.

    I know that if programmed correctly I can continue running a mile in just over 6 minutes AND maintain decent numbers.

    Anyway, first session will be recorded later today after uni.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Monday 18/10/10

    Reset the four major lifts by about 10% before restarting Starting Strength. Today’s session was as follows:

    - Bench: 80kg x 5/5/5
    - Weighted Chin: 12.5kg x 8/8/8 (2.5 minute rest between sets)
    - Squat: 100kg x 5/5/5
    - Pendlay Row: 60kg x 8/8/8 (2.5 minute rest between sets)
    - Core work between lifts
    - Conditioning: Prowler sprints (25 meters x 12 in 8:00 minutes)

    Nice and easy session all in all, with the exception of the prowler pushes, they always leave me feeling ill.
    Last edited by Jords; 10-20-2010 at 12:29 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Tuesday 19/10/2010


    - Jump rope 4 x 3:00 minute rounds, 1:00 minute rest between rounds.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Wednesday 20/10/2010

    Lower back started to feel very tight last night. Haven’t had any issues with my lower back for many months now. Was a bit tight during the first 10 minutes of today’s session, but feels almost fine now. Sometimes I think it just likes to spasm a few times a year.

    - Light Squat: 85kg x 5/5/5
    - Press: 52.5kg x 5/5/5
    - Deadlift: 140kg x 6 (went a bit lighter than prescribed by the reset due to lumbar)
    - Fat Gripz Barbell Curl: 32.5kg x 8/8/8 (2.5 minute rest between sets)
    - Core work between lifts
    - Conditioning: Kettlebell/Calisthenic complex (Swing, Push Up, Goblet Squat, Sit up x 10 for 5 rounds in 6:21 minutes)
    Last edited by Jords; 10-20-2010 at 12:28 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    hey mate thanks for checking my log. Im in Melbourne, but originally from NZ.

    Yeah our lifts are similar, except bench, but im sure if u weighted as much as me urd have a stronger bench

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Hey man, welcome to the logging section of the forums. Just want to extend some encouragement on a couple things.

    When I started SS I too experienced some lower back agitation/soreness. It seems to be a common occurence, but stick with it, ensure you are doing proper form and it will pass. The past week and a half or so I have had little to no soreness and as of last night had none whatsoever. From what I understand, your tendons binding muscle to bone in the lower back are trying to keep up with the growth of your lower back muscles. Eat lots of protein (and perhaps a fish supplement) and you'll be good to go.

    Also, I too was nervous about doing PC's. For me, it took almost 2 weeks to go from practicing the partial movements to doing 1 full set from the floor. Rip does an excellent job in his book of explaining how to go about learning the PC and as awkward as it may feel initially, when you put it all together its pretty damn awesome.

    Good luck!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Thanks for the input Zee-man. I have injured my lower back on a couple of occasions but this weeks tightness was probably due more to something like you have described above. Its feeling fine now so I'll be good to go later this arvo when I get back from work. And concerning PC's I really do plan on giving them a go soon. The only thing is I really like my Pendlay rows (they have improved my bench and stimulated some solid hypertrophy) and am not sure where I'd the fit them in if doing PC's as well.

    And to nkelman, thanks for the response. All the best with your lifting, I’m sure you’re going to become one hell of a strong cu*t.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Friday 22/10/2010

    Good session today. I always feel more focused and energised when lifting after work. Weights felt light, as they should have.

    - Bench: 81kg x 5/5/5
    - Squat: 102.5kg x 5/5/5
    - Pull Up: BW x 15/11/9 (2.5 minute rest between sets)
    - Dip: BW x 16/13/11 (2.5 minute rest between sets)
    - Core work between lifts
    - Conditioning: Prowler sprints (loaded with 40kg x 25 metres x 14 in 8:00 minutes)

    Don’t usually do dips without added weight, but I thought I’d run with it for a while. Could have gone harder on the prowler but didn’t feel like tasting my pre workout meal again.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Saturday 23/10/2010


    - One mile run: 6:05 minutes

    Was pretty happy with this time considering it was the first time I've really run since sustaining a ligament injury in my knee while sprinting about two months ago. Should be able to run under 6 minutes consistently from now on.

    Now for a weekend of eating and sleeping in preparation for another week of lifting.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Monday 25/10/2010

    starting strength coach development program
    Another easy session. Forgot how fun resets were.

    - Press: 53.5kg x 5/5/5
    - Weighted Chin: 13kg x 8/8/8 (2.5 minute rest between sets)
    - Squat: 105kg x 5/5/5
    - Pendlay Row: 61kg x 8/8/8 (2.5 minute rest between sets)
    - Core work between lifts
    - Conditioning: Kettlebell/Callisthenic complex (Swing, Push Up, Goblet Squat, Sit up) x 10 for 5 rounds in 5:37 minutes

    Really flew through the KB complex today, will go for 6 or 7 rounds next time.

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