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Thread: Barry's SS Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Barry's SS Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Decided to start my log. Been lurking around the forums for months. Time to start posting!

    • 48YO
    • 220lbs
    • 6ft
    • BF around 20-25%
    • Diet: Paleo+dairy about 200-250 gms protein a day, enough calories to maintain 220lbs bodyweight. Don't care if it goes higher, just don't wanna drop below

    Previous experience

    Did SL 5X5 last year, started around sept.(that's how I found SS and Rip, since most material on how to lift refers to "THE BOOK"). No real weight training other than machines prior. Do alot of Mtn Biking in the summer. Trained for CAT 3 road racing better than a decade ago and had to bail on that due to a heart defect.

    PR's on SL5X5...Squat 235lbs, Press 117, bench 185 (all 5X5) and DL 285 (1X5). Injured my lower back deadlifting, went through PT and took the summer off to bike. Which brings me here...

    Just completed Session 9, end of week 3
    Current lifts are
    • Squat 175
    • Bench 120
    • DL 205
    • Press 85
    • PC 60
    Starting weights
    • Squat 105
    • Bench 100
    • DL 145
    • Press 70
    • PC 45

    Trying to learn power cleans. They're fun/challenging but I have never done these before so that's to be expected. Squats are just beginning to get a little difficult (just switched to 5lb jumps). DL is still progressing @ 15lb jumps. Everything else is still pretty easy and on 5lb jumps. I have micro plates for the press and bench later.

    Currently performing no accessory work at all. Ill try to get a feel for how much extra volume I can handle once my squat hits BW. Volume was my biggest obstacle on SL once the squat got over 100kg. Recovery is an issue when you get to be my age.

    Time to go eat something!
    Last edited by Swible; 10-22-2010 at 02:07 PM. Reason: left a focking word out!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Session 10

    5 min warmup
    Foam roller work

    Recorded my squat. My knees are not getting to their forward position early enough. They travel forward all the way down but not far enough early on. The bar path moves forward instead of straight up on ascent. Did not record from behind but I suspect knees not staying out causing some of this too. At least that is what I think I am seeing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Video

    Quote Originally Posted by Swible View Post
    Recorded my squat. My knees are not getting to their forward position early enough. They travel forward all the way down but not far enough early on. The bar path moves forward instead of straight up on ascent. Did not record from behind but I suspect knees not staying out causing some of this too. At least that is what I think I am seeing.
    And here are the three sets.

    I'll break out the TUBOW tonight and practice knees forward sooner and OUT. I'll do session 11 tomorrow morning using small increases to reset at a weight where this just starts to begin. Work back up from there if I have to. Hopefully I can fix this in a workout or two.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Session 11

    Squat 155
    Bench 125
    DL 220

    I think I have the "knees forward at the bottom" thing figured out on my squat. If I get my knees out and over my toes early, they don't come forward at the bottom. It takes alot of effort and feels awkward. Still not pushing my knees out hard enough on all reps (don't feel the adductor stretch on all reps). Should be able to get all this ingrained over the next few workouts with 5 lb jumps.

    Bench is easy still. DL took effort but I'll stay with the 15lb jumps a little longer. Grip really not challenged too much yet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Session 12

    • Squat 160
    • Press 95
    • PC 70

    Squat Still a tiny bit of forward knee at the very bottom. Bar path looks good. I think I am fine to keep adding weight. Still trying to ensure all reps are knees out hard. Trying to work hip drive too. Need to watch my depth, changing my knees made me miss depth on a couple reps. Damn, alot to think about! Be glad when it's mostly automatic.

    Press Think I can take at least one or two more 5lb jumps before going to 2lb increments.

    PC Has enough weight that I should video next time.

    Traps and triceps are tired today.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Session 13

    • Squat 165
    • Bench 130
    • DL 235

    Squating Knees out and forward getting easier to execute
    Bench No problem, will continue 5lb jumps for a couple more workouts
    Deads Harder on lower back (extension) than grip. Will drop to 10lb jumps to protect my lower back. Had injuries there before.

    This was a fast workout. I don't think I was more than 40 minutes today. Blew through my warmup sets quickly. Makes a big difference having two recovery days. I'll probably switch to this programming at a little over body weight squat. Not sure if I'll be able to recover fast enough to squat 3X a week at my age. I really fried once over BW on Stronglifts, but that was 5X5. Too much volume for me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Session 14

    • Squat 170
    • Press 100
    • PC 75

    Squat Went well, felt very strong. Oddly enough, I had a stomach virus last night, did not go to work today and did a late afternoon workout. Felt shaky, like I had no energy, but had no strength issues at all.

    Press Considering microloading. This was pretty hard on the last rep of the second and third sets.

    PC No problem here. Need to keep adding weight. Rack position becoming easier. Still not consistent form on every rep. It's easier once I get 60+ lbs on the bar. Can't tell if I am doing the lift right or wrong with less than that.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Session 15

    • Squat 175
    • Bench 135
    • DL 245

    Squat Will video 180lbs on Mon. Seems to be fine. A little bit of pain mid back. Felt I may be arching a little beyond normal extension. Will see what the video reveals there.

    Bench Getting harder but I still have a few 5lb jumps left in me.

    DL This felt heavy to my lower back. I need to video these next time also. I feel I may be opening the back/hip angle a little bit too soon. No problem with grip or breaking from the floor. Making sure my back is in a good position is worrying me. Maybe just a mental thing. Weight wise the 5th rep was heavy but not a problem.

    Still several workouts from modifying to a light or no squat wednesday. Once I reach that point I'll add in some accessory lifts. Probably a daily GTG chin up routine, dips and back extensions. Move to the Onus Wunsler once I can get 5-6 chins. Need to try some chins to failure first, not sure how many I can do.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Session 16

    • Squat 180
    • Press 105
    • PC Did not perform these

    Squat Still seems to be going well. Keeping my knees out and getting them forward early has helped. I can def feel it in my hams & glutes the day after now.

    Press Will begin micro loading Friday. Some reps are still going up easier than others but the 5th one is getting sloooow. Probably start w/2.5lb jumps.

    PC Had a tweak in my back from deadlifts Friday and did not want to over do it. I need to video my deads, I believe my hips are rising before the bar is breaking from the ground. Feels like my back and hips do too much work, not feeling anything in my quads. Need to do some serious review of the details of that chapter in SSBT. I may have missed something.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Session 17

    starting strength coach development program
    • Squat 185
    • Bench 140
    • DL 255

    Squat Seems to be going well. I had a tiny bit of forward bar movement on a couple of reps. I am sure it was my knees still going forward a tad at the bottom on these.

    Bench Getting a little harder each time but I'm still progressing well. Need to remember to not push with my head and keep the descent controled. I have a tendancy to descend too rapidly on all my lifts for some reason.

    DL Slow but okay, grip a little challenging. Need to go supine grip on worksets and add chalk. No twinge in back today. I took extra time to reset each rep, make sure my back was in extension, chest up and take a huge breath. Caught myself opening the hip angle a little soon on my heavier warmups. This may be what is stressing my back so much. Legs were shakey for about 5 min. when finished.

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