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Thread: Power Cleans Form Check 175x3x5

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Power Cleans Form Check 175x3x5

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    My PC form isn't great (although better than when I started for sure). My main two issues I think are 1. I don't rack fast enough at the top, so my arms take the weight at first, and 2. the bar doesn't travel completely vertically sometimes, and I end up stumbling backwards. While I am aware of these issues, I'm not sure how to fix them. I'd appreciate advice on how to do that, or if you could point out anything else I'm doing wrong. Thanks

    PS The camera angle is 90 degrees at the start of the video, and 45 at the end.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010



    Several major issues to address:

    1) You are not squeezing your chest up before you start pulling. Instead WHILE you are squeezing your chest up, you are already pulling their off the floor...
    2) Problem number one leads to problem number 2 - which is that your back angle begins changing and becoming more vertical immediately as the bar comes off the floor. It shouldn't. The back angle should remain the same for as long as possible, which keeps your shoulder in front of the bar, which then WHIPS the bar UP when the hips open at the jump. When your back is already vertical at the jump, then there is no power to pull the bar up, and you end up over exaggerating the pulling it back, which is why you jump backwards so much.
    3) Problem 3: your eyes are all over the place, starting down at the floor at the start and looking up to Jesus at the end. Pick your spot low on the wall and keep your eyes there.

    So the simple cues:
    1) Squeeze your chest up. Pause. Pull.
    2) Eyes focused on the floor 10-15 feet in front of you.
    3) Keep your shoulders in front of the bar as long as possible.

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