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Thread: Andrew / Avls training log

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    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Andrew / Avls training log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi all, logging here as i'm going to be running TM for a good long while hopefully and want to get any advice or have my log provide info for anyone else trying to combine TM with olympic weightlifting. Not only do i do olympic weightlifting (badly) but im also english so i'm afraid i think in kg rather than lb for you guys.

    Background stats:
    Age: 26
    Height: 5'10 / 178cm
    Weight: 86kg

    Back Squat (Highbar, sorry guys): 140kg
    Front Squat: 122.5kg
    Deadlift: 200kg
    Bench Press: 105kg
    Press: 70kg
    Chinup: 85kg BW + 40kg
    Clean: 110kg
    Power Clean: 100kg
    Snatch: 70kg
    Power Snatch: 70kg
    Clean and Jerk: 92.5kg
    Power Clean and Jerk: 90kg

    I'll be eating around 3000 calories a day and 200g protein and then eyeball where my weight and lifts are going from there, eventually i want to build up to being a 94kg lifter but i may do another comp or two at 85kg if i make good progress.

    As you can see im very technique limited on my snatch and split jerk currently and have weak legs relative to my back.

    I'm going to start by deloading to hopefully deal with a bunch of tendonitis (wrist and rotator cuff mainly) i acquired whilst dropping weight for my first comp and using SS:ANP for the first month or so to build back up before segueing into a standard TM split, i have a couple of months break from oly coaching over the winter to just work on my strength so hopefully this will be productive!
    Last edited by Avl; 11-17-2012 at 04:46 PM.

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