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Thread: Ending Novice and Deadlift Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Ending Novice and Deadlift Question

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi Coach

    For a while now, my lifts have either been stuck or dropping. There are some workouts when I can barely get a few reps in even if I keep the weight the same. The last one looked like this:

    Squats 295-1x2, 1x1(barely)
    Press 137.5-1x5, 2x4
    Deadlift 415-1x4

    I've tried increasing my intake by another ~1000 Calories, but it hasn't helped.

    Here's what my lifts looked like the last time I was successfully able to complete my sets:

    Squats 295-3x5
    Bench 170-3x5
    Press 135-3x5
    Power Clean 145-5x3
    Deadlift 415-1x5

    Body weight went from 125->170 at 5'6". I'm pretty happy with my progress. When I started, I couldn't even press the bar lol.

    I'm deciding to move onto the Texas Method, but a question:

    I guess my Deadlift is much stronger than my other lifts because I'm short. Given that Deadlifts are already strenuous on the body, does this mean that it makes them even harder for me to recover from? Even though Haltings or Rack Pulls are done with more reps and weight, would I be correct in assuming that they would be easier to recover from because ROM is much smaller?

    I have been doing Deadlifts every other week so far. Can I increase training stimulus and improve recovery by alternating Rack Pulls and Haltings each week instead?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    You've done well. The reason we use the alternation of rack pulls and haltings is precisely the reason you cite: they are easier to recover from because of ROM, as discussed in BBT. But I'm not happy about the disparity between your squat and deadlift, and I'd suspect a squat form problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Dang... I guess I really do need to find a camera to review my form.

    Could you please critique the TM program I've made for myself:

    Squats- 5x5
    Bench/Press- 5x5
    Rack Pulls- 1x5 / Haltings- 1x8

    Front Squats- 3x3
    Press/Bench- 2x5, light
    Chins/Pullups- 4x6-8

    Power Clean- 5x3
    Squats 1x1/2/3- max
    Bench/Press 1x1/2/3- max

    Maybe a really short CF type metcon just so I won't have to stay away from the gym for too long.

    Since Haltings already stress the lats and Rack Pulls stress the upper back, do I need the volume with Chins/Pullups?
    Would it help to add an intensity day for Chins/Pullups?

    If on Friday, I chose to do speed sets instead of maxes, would I do speed squats or just power cleans, since there are some overlaps in the movements? What about with speed deads?

    Thanks a bunch

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    The program looks fine. You can alternate intensity with volume on the chins if you want to. Chins/pullups will not interfere with the lat work from pulling, since pulling involves very heavy isometric lat work instead of eccentric/concentric like chins. The two compliment each other nicely. Do speed squats and cleans both; you don't need to do DE deadlifts if you do cleans.

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