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Thread: Switching from Faleev5x5....SS or TM?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Switching from Faleev5x5....SS or TM?

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    Hi all,

    I'm 27 and currently weigh 72kg, I previously trained and fought in Muay Thai (competing at 63kg) but have been focusing on strength training this year. I have a couple of questions relating to programming. I have put a video in the technique forum of my squats (105KG) and DL (120KG) if that helps people with my question.

    I have been running Faleev 5x5 since beginning of the year, originally started squatting at 70kg, Bench at 65kg, DL at 80kg and incorporated standing press in there from Feb starting at 47.5kg. All for 5x5

    End of this cycle I should finish Squats 120kg, Bench 95kg, DL 130kg (all 5x5) and Press at 70kg (7x3).

    I weigh 72kg.

    Feel my squat has the least room for increasing although judging by ratios there should be lots of room in my squat.

    Faleev has me squatting 1x a week(Mon), with an 80% deload (Fri). Been increasing 5kg a week. Have added a deload week after every cycle of 6, and then climbed back up again.

    I feel if I had of been squatting more often I may have been able to move a little more weight now judging my peoples SS progress etc.

    After this cycle I was considering either switching to SS (not sure if I need to treat myself as a beginner still) or if I should run through TM for a few months and see where that leaves me, what are your thoughts?

    Thanks for any help you give

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    What are your current numbers? From your videos, your squat has some room to improve, your deadlift has a lot of room to improve if you'll stop doing 5 sets and just stick with one set. Neither your squat nor your deadlift looked very difficult for you, and if you are still adding 5kg a week to your squat, then you have no business being on TM.

    Wait and see where your numbers are at the end of your cycle and how your videos look before deciding what to do next. Between SS and TM, SS would be much more appropriate for you, at least for a short time. I think you can still consider yourself a beginner.

    Your bench and press numbers from February have room to go up, but your goal of 95kg on bench is pretty optimistic, and 70kg on press just isn't going to happen (though I'm sure we'll both be happy to prove me wrong).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the input, I was thinking SS might be more suitable, I appreciate my technique has much room for improvement.

    Numbers so far this week, Mon Squat 5x5 105kg, Tue Bench 87.5kg 5x5 (no probs at all), Wed (DL 5x5, 120kg - feels ok but the 5x5 like you said is too much volume), today deloaded squat at 82.5kg and Press 65kg for 7x3 - feel like I can make 67.5kg next week.

    With 3 weeks left of this cycle I feel I can hit 120kg squat (just), 95kg Bench (pretty confident, 92.5kg atleast), DL (130kg - although not looking forward to 5x5) and think I will press 67.5kg or 70kg for 7x3's by the end. Will put up a video of my press from today later although only have view from behind.

    Still adding 5kg a week (squat and DL) but not sure if this is as I have been deloading too frequently at every 6 weeks??
    Last edited by jmo84; 04-29-2011 at 03:08 AM. Reason: specifics added

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Okay, in that case I take back what I said, your current bench and press numbers are definitely within reach of your goals. That's a lot of progress from your February numbers, did you start extra light?

    What I said about room for improvement from your videos, I didn't mean technique wise, but rather your numbers.

    I don't personally think it's necessary to schedule in deloads if you don't need them. I could be wrong but I think you could afford to be more aggressive with your loading. That said though, if your program is working and your numbers are steadily going up then don't change anything. Bottom line is that the best program is the one that's working.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Thanks again.

    My press and bench both started at the right place I think, probably 10kg under what I could have forced out for bench and 5kg away from my max press at the time. My bench stalled at the end of 2nd cycle of 5x5 at 90kg, then deloaded it and reached 97.5kg with 7x3, back on 5x5 it's feeling good climbing back up, will see next Tuesday how it responds to 90kg this time around.

    Always being upper body oriented in the past I am a little worried by bench and press are too close to my squat, was hoping a change in squat frequency and a change to complete some sets at heavier weight but for less sets might move me on a little.

    I agree my squat prob looks easy, might need to man up and work a little harder to get more weight moving

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    starting strength coach development program
    Press added to my technique thread

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