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Thread: Correcting a muscle imbalance

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Correcting a muscle imbalance

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    My story is that I must of come into lifting with a large muscle imbalance in my legs. Around the time I started lifting I experienced a lower back/high glute injury. There was no bruising and I rehabbed it how it says on here. The pain never went all the way away and I got fed up with it after a couple months and saw a regular doctor but he didn't know anything. Later I saw a sports medicine doctor who told me my SI joints were out of line due to a muscle imbalance (X-rays showed no structural problems). The sports medicine doctor liked the program I was on and wanted me to add in an ab machine at the end of my workout. This helped a little bit and I started increasing my weights finally and then I pulled my groin (no bruising, same side as earlier injury).

    I have since rehabbed that injury and I am sick and tired of having low squats and deads due to this back pain holding me back. I feel like if I push myself in the workout it makes my back hurt more due to the imbalance. So would just adding abdominal exercises correct a muscle imbalance eventually? Do you have a suggestion how to correct this? Would sticking to an easy weight correct an imbalance?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Have you seen a chiropractor? Have you read my advice to do so on this board many times?

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