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Thread: Struggling with squats - form check please?

  1. #1
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    Post Updated: Struggling with squats - form check please?

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    EDIT: updated video from Monday in post #18 - 2012-02-21

    Hi there,

    I've been working on my squat for about 4 weeks now and I'm still struggling majorly. Last week I got to 135lbs and I've noticed that I'm really starting to round my back. I took a week to work on it, and I do see some improvement, just not as much as I'd like to.

    My flexibility is lacking - I have to use a pretty wide grip on the bar, and even that is very uncomfortable. Also looks like my hamstrings are tight. It's improving but the progress is slow.

    I'd really appreciate your suggestions.

    Here is a video of my 135lbsx5 from last week (only 1 set from the side, sorry)

    And here are sets from today (3 sets, last one is at an angle). First set went pretty well, but I got confused during the second one, and had difficulty with the third.

    Last edited by j2048; 02-21-2012 at 09:27 AM. Reason: video update 2012-02-21

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    North of Minnesota, eh


    Regarding the rounding of the lower back, have you watched Mark's video on lower back position control? I've been squatting for a solid two months thinking I was tightening my lumbar, but I wasn't. I only realized this last night when I watched the video. You might also want to watch the bar position video. It looks the bar might be a bit lower than low bar position (another error I was making).

    It does look like you're improving though. Kudos to you for the hard work.

  3. #3
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  4. #4
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    Thanks for the tips Mr_Rogers! I didn't see the first video, although I've read through a similar explanation. I do have control of my lumbar erectors, but I admit when I'm getting under the bar I'm a bit concerned about overextending there so I kind of keep my lower back in a more neutral position and not fully arched.

    A couple of inches above parallel I sort of loose the feeling of tightness thou. This morning I was focusing on keeping my lower back squeezed, but I guess not enough.

    As far as bar position, I'll get someone to help me finding the proper bones and double check the bar placement. I thought that I still put the bar too high.

  5. #5
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    Jan 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Tiburon View Post
    Ah yes, that was something I meant to do. Even got a couple of 2x4's for that. Will try on Saturday. Any other suggestions?

  6. #6
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    North of Minnesota, eh


    The bar position is just something to consider, it might not be a flexibility problem if the bar is in the incorrect spot. I was dumb enough to find the spine of the scapula near my spine and not out by the shoulder where Mark suggests. Poor bar position caused me to lean forward quite a bit.

    Might want to try these if you have hip mobility issues. I have no idea wtf gristle face is though.

    Definitely Tubow time. I cut a piece of wood last night so I can work on form tonight.

  7. #7
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    one more thing: bar path isn't perfectly vertical. v-shaped in the top video. try either "the master cue," or try thinking about "chest up"

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr_Rogers View Post
    Might want to try these if you have hip mobility issues. I have no idea wtf gristle face is though.
    Tried it! Works really well. Felt like my butt was loose for a good hour after that . Nearly passed out when I got up from them thou, painful stuff. I'll have more time for warm up this Saturday and I'll try to incorporate these stretches.

  9. #9
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    Hi there,

    I tried the block of wood method. I seem to manage to kick it every second rep. And that's with the bar only. Need to work on it more.

    Another question - I don't feel the tension in my hamstrings or glutes. I'm able to tense these muscles when I'm standing without any problems, but when I'm in the bottom of the squat I just don't feel that at all. I feel a stretch on the top of my hips (some smaller muscles, not quads) but nothing in the hamstrings. Same after workout. Mild soreness in the front, but nothing in the back. Does it suggest that I'm not activating my posterior muscles enough?

    Any other tips / comments, please fire away.

  10. #10
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    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by j2048 View Post
    Another question - I don't feel the tension in my hamstrings or glutes. I'm able to tense these muscles when I'm standing without any problems, but when I'm in the bottom of the squat I just don't feel that at all. I feel a stretch on the top of my hips (some smaller muscles, not quads) but nothing in the hamstrings. Same after workout. Mild soreness in the front, but nothing in the back. Does it suggest that I'm not activating my posterior muscles enough?
    This is a prime example of overthinking. When you start using words like “activate”, stop yourself and ask whether you’re making things more complicated than they need to be.

    Just don’t relax AT ALL at the bottom. Stay AS TIGHT AS POSSIBLE as you descend into and come up out of the hole. Stay tight and come up IMMEDIATELY--don’t think of it as “down, then up”, think “up up up” even while you’re on the way down. In other words, don’t give your brain an excuse to split up the downward and upward portions of the rep or you will have a tendency to relax in between them.

    ETA: Also, try keeping your head down. It’ll probably help.
    Last edited by Gunnhild Bruno; 02-09-2012 at 09:37 AM.

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