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Thread: Ab wheel roll call

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Somewhere on a Quest

    Default Ab wheel roll call

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    I'm curious as to how many here do we have that use the ab wheel religiously. I'd like to know:

    1) How long have you used it?

    2) How do you use it, kneeling, standing or both?

    3) How many reps can/do you do?

    4) How many times per week, sets and reps?

    5) Did anyone start doing them and then stop, if so, why?

    6) Do/can you perform full length reps, touching your hips, stomach and chest?

    7) What results have you obtained from using the ab wheel.

    I guess I'll go first because I'm so in love with this little apparatus!

    1) A little over 2 years now.
    2) A set kneeling to warm up, then one single set from a standing position.
    3) Kneeling reps, unlimited. Seriously. Standing reps I've done 12 before, pretty easily. I can also perform as many as 10 reps from a 10" decline.
    4) Twice per week. One set of 15 kneeling for a warm up, one set of 5 only standing on Friday, 7 to 12 reps standing on Mondays.
    5) Can't imagine ever stopping.
    6) Yes, both standing and kneeling. Plus, I can vary my rep speed even standing, very quick smooth reps or very nearly super slow reps.
    7) Lack of low back pain is my greatest reward from working so hard. I can feel it as a whole body movement when doing them and though sixpack abs are primarily from diet, even my wife has remarked over my abs and oblique's.

    While this is just information to satisfy my own curiosity, perhaps those of us who really appreciate what the ab wheel has done for us, can create more disciples by informing others as to our results.
    Last edited by Oldster; 09-30-2013 at 06:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    1. About 6 months.
    2. Kneeling cause I'm not a freak. Sometimes weighted.
    3. Sets of 10 unweighted pretty easily. 3x10 with 10kg on my low back is the heaviest I've gone so far.
    4. About once every other week, 3x10 either weighted or BW depending how fatigued I am.
    5. Nah.
    6. I go until my chest is an inch or two from the ground.
    7. I'm much stronger off the floor on deadlift. My abs were really holding me back before. I've never maxed beltless but before hitting the ab wheel I would occasionally have trouble pulling 405 no belt. I hit a fairly easy 490 beltless (in sneakers nonetheless) a few months ago with a belted max of probably 520 at the time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    New Zealand


    1) 6 months.

    2) Kneeling.

    3) At least 12.

    4) 3 times per week 4 sets 12 reps.

    5) Irritated shoulder and breastbone.

    6) Yes (kneeling)

    7) See 5.

    8) OK I'm persuaded, I'm going back to them and building up again after seeing the 7)s above.
    Last edited by Buellfool; 09-30-2013 at 09:24 PM. Reason: Tort miself to spel.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Waverly, IA


    Never used it, but I noticed my gym recently put one on top of the rack that holds medicine balls, resistance bands, jump ropes, etc... Might give it a shot tomorrow.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    I just started using one in my training. You are the inspiration for that Oldster.
    I'm just doing them 1-2x per week but I may bring that up.

    I can do 4 reps standing.
    I do the first set standing and standing plus band assisted.
    Second set is all band assisted.
    2 more sets of kneeling.
    I plan to get so I can do sets of 10 standing then add weight, via weighted vest.
    ABZ are sore as fuark for a day or 2 after.

    I'm thinking I will need my abs very strong since I do not have a belt and the ab wheel will get me there I think. I also want to do dragon flags and the ab wheel is great progression for that movement I think. Standing ab wheel is badass!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    About 4 years, 1.5 seriously. Occasionally last 6 months.
    kneeling and with raised knees or weights on my back. Once in a blue moon both. Also did a progression with a board to standing and eventually did 1. Once.
    I used to do 10, lately do more, and think I could do....40?
    6) Yes, often paused at the bottom or very slowly
    7) Ummmm. No idea. Sore abs? I do enjoy them but they are once a week or so.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Somewhere on a Quest


    Quote Originally Posted by Eiji View Post
    You are the inspiration for that Oldster.
    Hey! Very cool!

    I can do 4 reps standing.
    You just started them and can do four standing already? You sir, are an ab god.

    Standing ab wheel is badass!
    Heh, they are pretty cool, aren't they!

    Its weird. I've been doing them standing for a couple years now. but every single time I stand there and prepare myself, it seems like what I'm going to ask my body to do is an impossibility! But somehow, when I am full stretched out on the ground, my body is able to draw itself back up to a standing position so darned easily. It is still amazing to me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    I did a crap load of ab work when I was training calisthenic only. Lots of hanging leg raises and front lever progressions so the abs were already trained. Its not like I just started on the abs. Just never really trained on the ab wheel much.

    actually I did do some progression work on it this summer on an incline ramp. So I guess I with held a little info...oopsie.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Fairfax, VA


    I do abs twice a week alternating wheel with planks. On wheel day I've worked up to 3 kneeling sets of 12. This is after about 3 months. I hope to try standing. Lately, I've been doing lots of arm and shoulder work so those get sore before my abs.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    starting strength coach development program
    I randomly tried them one day, my plan was 5 sets of 10 in between volume squat sets (5-3-1 BBB). I had never done even one before, but since I've seen them advertised on TV I figured it was a wimpy exercise. Gave up partway through the 4th set, and was sore for about 3 weeks.

    Not currently doing them, but I respect the exercise now.

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