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Thread: Deadlift Form Check continued

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Default Deadlift Form Check continued

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    The old thread locked for inactivity ( We left off with Tom identifying multiple problems (that I've attempted to address) and saying he needed a front oblique video to say more.

    Here's a front oblique angle from two weeks ago (my buddy decided to stand in front of the camera last week). I can see problems myself, but am unsure of the cause. Is it that I'm setting up wrong; that my back is too weak and I need to reset the weight; or both?

    I've reset a few times. Then I increase the weight to where my form ends up looking like this again (albeit at a higher weight than before), and I reset again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Atlanta area


    The only things I see here is you're dropping your hips just a bit when you squeeze up, and your back is unlocking. Keep your hips up when you squeeze up - your hamstrings should be so tight they sing. THe only way to fix that is to lift at a weight it doesn't unlock, keep adding weight, and for you to MAKE IT STOP HAPPENING. Ironically, the first thing usually fixes the second, if you squeeze up so hard your hamstrings are tight and your arms are pulling agains the bar.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2016


    Thank you, Steve. I'll do that. (And I've scheduled a session with a local SSC to hopefully kill this problem dead.)

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