My lifting routine is something like this:
M: Snatch, DL
T: off
W: Bench, Back Squat
T: off
F: Clean, Press

Is it possible to get stronger and bigger with two 1.5-2 hour sessions of basketball per week on top of this? Is it simply a matter of eating enough?

Also, I have shitty knees, the left one in particular. I am able to do all of my lifts just fine, but when I do the partial squat required to get underneath the bar for a back squat, I get a sharp pain in my knee. It feels deep inside, but maybe more towards the back. Sometimes I have the problem on stairs, usually descending. I have felt it in both knees, but it is consistent in the left one and more rare in the right. Occasionally it is enough of a shock to cause my knee to briefly buckle, but I have never felt it when lifting. It is not related to any injury that I am aware of. Any idea what this could be or whether I can expect weight training to improve it? It does not really matter but I am curious.