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Thread: question regarding groin? issue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default question regarding groin? issue

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Hello, I'll list my stats first

    32 y/o, been lifting approx 5 weeks. bw around 200 lbs

    I started out with light weights, 85 lbs on every lift except the ohp

    I've progressed now to a 155 bench, 245 dl,105 on ohp, and the other day a 235 squat

    I made a mistake though, should have only been 215 on mon

    My problem is that when I squat now, I get this feeling of pressure in my groin area. I'm not even sure the exact name. It is the area on the top of ur legs, but inside a bit, feels like a tendon perhaps on each side

    I haven't went to the dr, because I'm not actually in pain. it's only when I squat,and even then, it's not really a pain, but a feeling of pressure,like it's going to snap. It's really hindering my squats now

    i tried to do 225 yesterday. I somehow got 1 set done, but weight felt extremely heavy. tried for a 2nd set,got 1 rep, then had to stop

    i had done more weight just 2 days before

    I just wish I could solve this problem. I think it has to do with form, I go very low on squats. I basically go as low as possible for my body

    I think I could be overstretching the area,maybe not warming up sufficiently

    I don't want to miss squat workouts,especially when i'm not in any pain

    but the problem is really starting to effect my squats. i just get no drive out of the hole now.

  2. #2
    Brodie Butland is offline Starting Strength Coach
    Join Date
    May 2011


    There are many things in your form that could cause this. Without a video, it's impossible to isolate the cause. Provide one and we might be able to help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011


    I know it's a month old post but... I had the same issue. Narrowing the stance a bit worked for me. I basicly went ass to grass with a very wide stance, and probably overstretched the tedons. In my case it was also followed by a burning sensation though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Toronto ON


    Form check, or suffer. Son.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by armin View Post
    I know it's a month old post but... I had the same issue. Narrowing the stance a bit worked for me. I basicly went ass to grass with a very wide stance, and probably overstretched the tedons. In my case it was also followed by a burning sensation though.

    The same thing happened to me.

    Now I narrow my stance a bit, with toes out so I can clear my hips and I don't go too low. Try not to go past the point where you lose tightness in your hamstrings. All this "ass to grass" bullshit is probably getting a lot of ppl hurt. People are forcing themselves lower than they should. Parallel or a little below with a nice tight back is good enough for me.

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