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Thread: Stalling in Starting Strength

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Fargo, ND

    Default Stalling in Starting Strength

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I'm 39, 6'2" and 207#, about 18% body fat (I don't obsess about this, we had a health screening at work and this was part of the information).

    I've run the 5/3/1 program from July until March. During that time, I gained 15# (11# non-fat), put 2" on my hips/butt, 1.5" on my thighs, 1.5" on my chest, 2" on my waist, 3/4" on my neck.

    Here are my 1 RM:
    - Back Squat - 255#
    - Deadlift - 330#
    - Press - 145#
    - Bench Press - 250# (estimated using 1RM calculator from 205#x7)
    - Power Clean - 210#

    I switched over to Starting Strength the beginning of April as did my 14 year old son.

    I started Starting Strength at the following (4/8/2013) 3 days a week:
    - Back Squat - 195#x5x3
    - Deadlift - 295#x5 (alternated with power clean)
    - Press - 115#x5x3 (alternated with bench)
    - Bench Press - 190#x5x3
    - Power Clean - 155#x3x5

    My workout today (4/22/2013) was:
    - Back Squat - 240#x5x3
    - Press - 133.75# - missed (5, 4, stopped after the 2nd set)
    - Deadlift - 320#x3

    My squat, press and deadlift have all seemed to stall out where my previous 5 RM were before on 5/3/1.

    I know I'm hitting depth on squats, I have a foam block that is 14" high that I hit at the bottom of the squat. I got 5x3 on squats today but 2 of the 5 reps for each set I was leaning forward and the last 2 reps were really slow grinding reps. I've hit all my reps for all the weights before and didn't have that leaning forward feeling until 240#, but 245# was worse.

    I'm thinking I need to drop back to 200# on squats and increment by 5# and make sure I've got the weight on my heels and get better hip drive.

    I'm trying not to use the stretch reflex on the press, trying to pause at the bottom for a second or two. I'm thinking I need to drop back on the press as well.

    I'm eating around 3500 calories a day (getting near 200 gr protein a day), probably a little less than 1/2 gal milk a day.

    My bodyweight hasn't gone up in the last 2 weeks, but my chest and thighs have gone up a little bit since starting this program.

    I'm getting about 7 hours a sleep a night.

    I've read the book and am not sure where I should be on food intake. Is this holding me back? Am I right in dropping back on the squat and press?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    If you've read the book, why are you squatting to a 14" foam block and why do you want to make sure your weight is on your heels? Also, slightly less than 200g protein is low for a 3500 cal total intake.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Fargo, ND



    I double checked my food intake against some tables and realized I was much lower than 200g of protein. I upped my protein to close to 200g (it takes like 2.5# of venison/wild duck to get there!). My deadlift went up a bit and the soreness I have had for the last month just below my kneecap almost disappeared within a day of upping my protein.

    I tried squatting without the foam block this morning. I'll have to do a couple more videos to make sure I'm hitting depth.

    Thanks for your time and pointers.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    We don't have any videos here to judge you upon, but upload one when you have one.

    No foam block, weight on your mid-foot.

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