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Thread: Squat Form Check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Squat Form Check

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024 posted this a while back but not really relevant to this post I believe

    Hey Coaches,

    Before I bother Rip I thought I'd bother you guys with my troubles since if there's something obviously wrong with my form then this seems to be the number 1 place for getting your form checked! I'll be travelling to get an IT band release soon since I've seen Rip recommend that to a couple people but want to make sure I'm not missing anything in my form first.

    Been having a nasty dull pain right in my hip. I had it before at 90kg, took two weeks off, came back to it starting at 85kg and hey-ho it's back again at 90. Feels like it's deep in there at the front. Short of drawing you a nice picture, if I was to stand on one leg (Terminator 2 style) then it would be right in the crease between thigh and hip on my raised leg, slightly more towards the inside of my leg (maybe it's hip adductors but it seems too high up/deep seated/dull for that) It happens very suddenly as I lock out the squat. This is why you see me flapping my head around like an idiot at the top since I'm putting all my puff into making that last quarter of the squat as swift as possible. The slower I go, the more I drag out the pain. No pain going down, no pain in the hole, no pain for the majority of the ascent but then all too suddenly it rears its ugly head at the top. Gets progressively worse as the set goes on which is probably why the depth tapers off.

    That's 90kg but the next week on my warm up sets I got the exact same pain when I was at 60kg. I cautiously moved up to the next warm up weight (around 70 or so) and it was too much pain. Even more than the previous session at work sets. The pain seems to scale nicely with the weight on the bar.

    I've tightened up a lot since my previous attempts at squatting and I trawled through some of the previous threads about hip pain on this staff coaches forum. The cause of hip pain usually seems to be knees travelling forward at the bottom. I'm not sure if the video I posted shows excessive knee travel or not but I tried putting all my focus into setting my knees on the descent and shoving them out on the warm up sets I gave up on last time and the pain still persisted.

    Big thanks to you Coaches in advance for any help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Hip pain is often the result of forward knee travel and you have a hint of it. You also don't get deep enough on some of your reps. I suggest pushing your knees out harder. Be aware that hip pain of this nature can take a while to resolve itself. I also suggest getting familiar with a lacrosse ball and using that to dig into your hip.

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