Going to chuck in some noob thoughts - because learning.
Looks like you successfully applied the advice you were given. Big improvement on your earlier squat. Elbow postition looks good, thumbless grip good, but watch your wrists - they're very extended which may set you up for problems as the weight increases - particularly if you drop elbows and start intercepting more and more weight with your arms. I did that - don't be me. Check the pic on page 39 SSBBT3.
Bar looks like it's not straight across your back - could just be t-shirt weirdness, or did you start left of centre? If so be a little more precious about setup, an uneven bar with more weight is not something you want.
Your knees are getting forward nice and early compared to earlier squat - where they were pretty much moving forward for the whole descent. You look much tighter throughout - it looks like you're doing a Valsalva for each rep - still a couple of wobbles on the way down for certain reps though so keep working on getting tight. Your lower back is not rounding now which is great. Knees out enough?, more?, can't tell. As another reasonably tall guy, I would particularly stress: get a belt & proper shoes. Tall guy low bar (particularly with freak femurs) means you're travelling substantial extra distance with a torso that must get much closer to horizontal than some short legged muscle nugget - you need every extra bit of stability and tightness you can get. Keep up the good work man.