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Thread: 42 yo male when to add light pull day

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2020

    Default 42 yo male when to add light pull day

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    42 yo male 5’11” 185lbs. I have run my numbers up since getting back on the LP in late FEB, and during that time have been gaining about 1/2 pound per week, current numbers are:

    Squat: 3x5x 275
    Bench: 3x5x 220
    Press: 3x5x 152
    Deadlift: 1x5x 330

    That’s a PR for press. Tied with previous PRs on bench and deadlift. Squat has been going up well, should be at a PR within 3 workouts.

    In haven’t missed a rep yet on this LP, but DL was getting pretty heavy on the last set last week. I think I will need to introduce a light pull day soon. Have no issue doing power cleans, have always sort of liked them. Last time I worked them was about 15 months ago when I got up to 5x3x 180.

    Should I keep doing deadlift everyday until I miss a rep, or proactively introduce a light day every other training day? I was thinking of starting power cleans off at 155lbs then take 5 pound jumps. Is that going to be enough stimulus to keep my deadlift going up?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    5lb jumps on deadlift?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


    Yes. 5 lb jumps on everything up until now except press.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by MarkM03 View Post
    42 yo male 5’11” 185lbs. I have run my numbers up since getting back on the LP in late FEB, and during that time have been gaining about 1/2 pound per week,
    A glass of water weighs a pound.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by MarkM03 View Post
    42 yo male 5’11” 185lbs. I have run my numbers up since getting back on the LP in late FEB, and during that time have been gaining about 1/2 pound per week, current numbers are:

    Squat: 3x5x 275
    Bench: 3x5x 220
    Press: 3x5x 152
    Deadlift: 1x5x 330

    That’s a PR for press. Tied with previous PRs on bench and deadlift. Squat has been going up well, should be at a PR within 3 workouts.

    In haven’t missed a rep yet on this LP, but DL was getting pretty heavy on the last set last week. I think I will need to introduce a light pull day soon. Have no issue doing power cleans, have always sort of liked them. Last time I worked them was about 15 months ago when I got up to 5x3x 180.

    Should I keep doing deadlift everyday until I miss a rep, or proactively introduce a light day every other training day? I was thinking of starting power cleans off at 155lbs then take 5 pound jumps. Is that going to be enough stimulus to keep my deadlift going up?

    Thank you.
    What does the book say about that?
    Post a form check for your deadlift on the forum, if it's good, and you aren't missing reps, why would you change the program?
    Also, when you say "on the last set", do you mean you do multiple working sets on the deadlift?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


    Add more eggs and peanut butter, understood.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by francesco.decaro View Post
    What does the book say about that?
    Post a form check for your deadlift on the forum, if it's good, and you aren't missing reps, why would you change the program?
    Also, when you say "on the last set", do you mean you do multiple working sets on the deadlift?
    The blue book 3rd edition says “after the first couple of weeks you squat every workout and alternate the bench press and press, and the deadlift and power clean.”

    So I have gone a little longer than a “couple of weeks,” but have been going up fine, thus my question - keep going as is or incorporate the power clean now.

    I’ll look into the form check.

    I’m doing only 1 work set of deadlift per workout. By last set of the week I meant the last work set of deadlift for a week, before a 2 day rest which precedes the start of a new training week. My point was I do feel more fatigued on the last training day of the week than on the first 2 training days.

    Thank You,

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2022


    I would say, add the power cleans when deadlifting every workout becomes too much for the lower back. You'll know.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    Although the examples in both books indicate the pc being introduced after two weeks or so, they also advise that your dl should be well ahead of your squat. Your dl is about 55 lbs ahead of your squat. It's good to be in the 50 to 100 range (I don't think that's in the book). Make sure your squat is not artificially heavy (make sure you are going below parallel). What were your starting weights?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    starting strength coach development program
    From personal experience, this is a low deadlift to squat ratio to start adding light pull days. If you push it, I think you will be able to get to at least 350 before you start missing reps. Don't leave the easy gains on the table. Eat your food. Eat a half of a big jar of peanut butter a day and double your eggs. The fact that the deadlift feels heavy is good, it is the hardest thing in the world.

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