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Thread: Deadlift and Front squat form check

  1. #1
    Mirat Guest

    Default Deadlift and Front squat form check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    In the deadlift , I'm purposely not setting up a la Rippetoe. I'm trying to copy some powerlifters' pulling technique , like Eric Lilliebridge.
    I'm pulling 180kg (405lbs) in this video for a single , which is about 90% of my 1RM
    Here's the video

    I'm fairly new to the front squat , hit a single PR of 102.5kg today. I am dealing with knee/hip pain in my right side , do you notice anything in my technique that might be causing this. (I see that my knees are sliding forward in the bottom , is that problematic , how can I fix it ?)

  2. #2
    Mirat Guest


    Thanks for the answer.
    I find that I can't push with my quads when the bar is over the midfoot , I'd love to keep the bar closer but how can I "push the ground" when my hamstrings are so stretched ? I feel like I'm initiating the pull with only my hams/lower back and that it makes me too weak at the start: Here's a video of how I used to pull (about 2-3 years ago)

    I'll try and keep my chest up. However , is the back angle low enough ? I mean , is the problem coming from my upper back dropping or from sitting back like in a back squat ?
    Do you see any other issues related to my knees ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Walled Lake, Michigan


    On DL: Why did you drop the bar? For that matter why are you intentionally not following the SS methodology?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Appleton, WI


    With all due respect Mirat, you look like you're strong for your stature. But I feel like you lack the understanding of pulling mechanics and muscular functions to make some of your claims.

    Good on you for training. If you wish to pull with a more effective bar path and utilize your "pulling muscles" better, please read "Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training 3rd Edition"

    Also, don't drop the bar. It's histrionic bullshit
    Last edited by Joe Jaloszynski; 12-21-2015 at 08:02 PM.

  5. #5
    Mirat Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by blugold View Post
    With all due respect Mirat, you look like you're strong for your stature. But I feel like you lack the understanding of pulling mechanics and muscular functions to make some of your claims.

    Good on you for training. If you wish to pull with a more effective bar path and utilize your "pulling muscles" better, please read "Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training 3rd Edition"
    I have already read the 2nd edition , years ago , and especially the deadlift chapter over and over. A few months ago I was stuck with 405 SS style , a powerlifter friend of mines comes around and tells me to do the " air humping" as this would give me initial momentum off the floor. On that day I pulled 445. A 45lbs PR. The most I'd ever deadlifted before was 420 and I was way fatter.
    I'm sorry about the barbell dropping.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Appleton, WI


    Quote Originally Posted by Mirat View Post
    I have already read the 2nd edition , years ago , and especially the deadlift chapter over and over. A few months ago I was stuck with 405 , a powerlifter friend of mines comes around and tells me to do the " air humping" as this would give me initial momentum off the floor. On that day I pulled 445. A 45lbs PR. The most I'd ever deadlifted before was 420 and I was way fatter.
    The 2nd edition is not the same as the 3rd.

    What does the air humping do? How does it create momentum?

  7. #7
    Mirat Guest


    When you see my video I'm constantly moving my knees back and forth. I feel this builds momentum.
    I don't initiate the pul by pulling the bar , I push the floor as hard as I can while holding onto the bar , I feel this has made a huge difference for me.
    This guy does it too :
    And I didn't get the idea from him , I just noticed that yesterday.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Appleton, WI


    Quote Originally Posted by Mirat View Post
    When you see my video I'm constantly moving my knees back and forth. I feel this builds momentum.
    I don't initiate the pul by pulling the bar , I push the floor as hard as I can while holding onto the bar , I feel this has made a huge difference for me.
    This guy does it too :
    And I didn't get the idea from him , I just noticed that yesterday.
    You keep using this word, I don't think you know what it means.

    There are a lot of very strong people who can move a lot of weight in an inefficient manner.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Mirat View Post
    In the deadlift , I'm purposely not setting up a la Rippetoe. I'm trying to copy some powerlifters' pulling technique , like Eric Lilliebridge.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mirat View Post
    This guy does it too :
    And I didn't get the idea from him , I just noticed that yesterday.
    So you are trying to copy Eric's technique but you didn't get the idea from him?

    It doesn't build momentum, but if you want to do it there's really no harm in it. You should set up closer to the bar, though...that will actually make the pull more mechanically efficient, so you should be able to move more weight.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mirat View Post
    180kg (405lbs)

  10. #10
    Mirat Guest


    starting strength coach development program
    I'll definitely be setting up closer next time , thanks.
    What about the front squat ? any tips / technique issues that might be causing knee pain ?

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