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Thread: Bill Star Rehab - Where is the article?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Kansas City, MO

    Default Bill Starr Rehab - Where is the article?

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    Can't find the original article to Bill Star's rebab. I have used google's site: for and have googled around to find the original article for the Bill Star Rehab. Is it still on the SS site? I can only find it on the wiki, found via Google, but don't trust that source. I have an injury that needs to rehab but can't find the darn article just people referring to it.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
    Last edited by bpierce; 09-08-2011 at 06:35 AM. Reason: Incorrect spelling of Bill Starr's name. Left out the extra 'R'.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Ahh.. I can't find it on the internet. I'm pretty sure it is mentioned in the book Strongest will Survive though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Rip removed it a while ago. People were using it to rehab ingrown nails and such, so he got pissed and removed it.

  4. #4
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    Feb 2009
    Atlanta area


    Quote Originally Posted by bpierce View Post
    Can't find the original article to Bill Star's rebab. I have used google's site: for and have googled around to find the original article for the Bill Star Rehab. Is it still on the SS site? I can only find it on the wiki, found via Google, but don't trust that source. I have an injury that needs to rehab but can't find the darn article just people referring to it.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
    What type of injury?

  5. #5
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    Kansas City, MO


    Quote Originally Posted by Steve in ATL View Post
    What type of injury?
    @Steve in ATL
    Adductor. Hurt it on 8/12. Made it to new weights for me in the squat (230 lbs) and felt a pop on the third rep when I was in the hole. Finished the set but I couldn't go on. Could go down into the hole but could not get out of it. Felt like when someone kicks you and you get a dead leg. I've continued to train other lifts and just iced it. It only hurts when I externally rotate my left hip. I could feel it sometimes when I power cleaned and deadlifted but the squat is what makes it hurt. Been testing it until I felt like I could start rehabbing and this week might be it. Hated to wait this long to rehab but it finally is where I can squat and get out of the hole.

    Thanks for your quick responses. I think I can piece together how to do it. Rather have the original text but I'll go with what I have. I like to print out the articles to keep around in a file. And I should add Starr's book to my library.

    Extra info:
    5"11' 235

  6. #6
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    Atlanta area


    Starr rehab is for muscle belly tears (which your injury may or may not be) of the larger muscles. Use caution since this is the exact reason Rip took it down (people using it for injuries that are not within the scope of the protocol). Do you have bruising / visible blood deposition?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve in ATL View Post
    Starr rehab is for muscle belly tears (which your injury may or may not be) of the larger muscles. Use caution since this is the exact reason Rip took it down (people using it for injuries that are not within the scope of the protocol). Do you have bruising / visible blood deposition?
    Thanks for saying something and makes sense he would take it down. I'd rather not mess myself up worse. No bruising or blood deposition. I'll take it easy. Test it out today and see how it feels.

  8. #8
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    Even if you have a muscle belly tear, my understanding is that this protocol is to be used soon after the injury...basically as soon as the thing stops bleeding. You force it to work while it heals. This is 1 month post-injury, which seems a bit long for that.

    Others may have a differing opinion, though.

  9. #9
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    Atlanta area


    Good point, and a good catch - I missed the delay. Yes, Starr rehab is supposed to be done ASAP.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Grantham View Post
    Even if you have a muscle belly tear, my understanding is that this protocol is to be used soon after the injury...basically as soon as the thing stops bleeding. You force it to work while it heals. This is 1 month post-injury, which seems a bit long for that.

    Others may have a differing opinion, though.
    Yeah, that was what I was concerned about, it has been a month. I would have done it sooner like the rehab says. What was stopping me from doing it sooner was that I couldn't get out of the hole when I would squat. Squat down and couldn't get back up. For the past month it has been like this. Slowly getting better. I expect pain from the injury during rehab but when I would squat I couldn't lift myself out of the hole. It felt dead. This is the first week I can squat and push up out of the hole. Just have to test it and see what happens. I've got to getting squatting again someday, so going through the rehab wouldn't hurt.

    Again, thanks for the input. Really appreciate the wisdom and experience of others here. Pardon this getting posted in the technique forum, perhaps better suited for injury forum.
    Last edited by bpierce; 09-08-2011 at 09:22 AM.

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