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Thread: Starting Strengh for MMA

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Default Starting Strengh for MMA

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hey Mark,

    i am an MMA/Muay Thai Athletic and my Question is, how i have to train to get stronger. I have only twice a week time for my workout, otherwise my regeneration comes up short. Is it effectiv to make starting strengh twice a week or should i use a other system to became stronger.

    I am a german guy and buy the german version of youre book, i hope my english works for u =)

    Much Greetings,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Search SSC Andy Baker's Programming sub-forum here on the SS Forum. He has fielded many questions from MMA guys and there is some good info in there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Reno, NV


    While i do a martial art and train three to four days a week I spend most of my time teaching beginners to get out of the way, preferably not being there at all... so i was curious what the answer was.

    As usual it's recovery

    To my taste the best post from the archive seemed to be from Nick Delgadillo who said

    Clarification for the BJJ population

    "There has to be a distinction made between guys and gals who just "do" JiuJitsu/MMA/WhateverElse and guys and gals who compete. If a person is a competitive fighter, then they should program just like any other athlete competing in a sport. That means there will be times when they're focusing on strength and times that they'll be practicing skill. What the current focus is depends on the timing of the next event.

    Someone who grapples 5 days a week will have a hell of a time doing the program unless they're willing to eat and sleep enough to recover. What's wrong with taking 3 to 4 months and doing the JiuJitsu or MMA class once or twice a week instead of every day? The answer is not a goddamn thing and at the end of those 3 to 4 months, you'll be a stronger, better conditioned, tougher fighter than if you fucked around with a little bit of lifting here and there to supplement the grappling stuff.

    Once someone gets past the manic phase of martial arts training and starts to look for ways to not get their ass kicked anymore or be in better shape, I'll tell them to cut the MA training down (GASP!!!) to a couple of days a week and run a linear progression. Most folks are surprised that they perform better in their grappling/sparring even though they're not "doing cardio". Once that person is ready for an intermediate program, they'll add more of the MA training back in and adjust as necessary if they decide to compete.

    It's hard to get fighters and martial arts types to understand how much of an impact strength will have on their performance on the mat. Everyone wants to act like it's the secret unattainable black belt knowledge that will make you a beast on the mat, but the reality is that there is NOTHING you can do in the short amount of time that I'll ask you to just lift that will increase your performance more than getting strong. We've all had to grapple with the dude who just walked in the gym from working on the farm for half his damn life and is strong as shit- maybe wrestled in high school- but hasn't spent a day in a JiuJitsu or MMA class and we all know how difficult it is to deal with someone like that. The point is, the strength will persist and will affect your output on the mat. As your skill level improves, you can apply that strength more effectively."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by JTC_MN View Post
    Search SSC Andy Baker's Programming sub-forum here on the SS Forum. He has fielded many questions from MMA guys and there is some good info in there.
    I find nothing, can u link me pls a great workout routine for mma

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Garage of GainzZz


    Go to Google.

    Put in "MMA"

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