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Thread: Nutrition Critique for Thinner Male

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Nutrition Critique for Thinner Male

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Age: 31

    Weight: 168

    Current Program: Was doing 18 week 3-cycle Olympic Lifting program from Catalyst Athletics ( But want to switch to SS to develop a better base of strength. Prior to this, did a 4 week starter program from Catalyst. Prior to that, was doing strength program that was a part of regular crossfit classes. No longer doing any crossfit classes. Eventually want to move back in to competitive crossfit but for now, just focusing on strength.

    Current Macros/Calories (before Christmas vacation at least): 3200 cal, 180 protein, 375 carb, 110 fat

    A little more about myself. I've always been skinny up until a couple of years ago when I started drinking pretty much every day and developed fat around my waist and chest (side boob). I've got very little fat anywhere else so I don't think I could be considered to have high BF%. I largely stopped drinking 3 weeks before Christmas, had a few during vacation, and am now going alcohol free.

    I have crossfitted on and off for 4-5 years and have only really started to pay attention to pure strength in the last 6-7 months. I've been going up decently in my lifts so I'll put what I consider to be my best even though they're not all the same rep scheme: 235 x 8 back squat, 165 x 1 push press (haven't strict pressed in quite some time). 330 x 1 DL. I know I can definitely improve my form so I certainly wouldn't call myself intermediate level but I also wouldn't put myself at rank novice. Somewhere in between sound fair?

    Anyway, starting today, I'm going to be increasing my food intake and beginning SS with the hope that I can do LP for a while. I'm planning to drop weight and really focus on form rather than trying to pick up right where I've left off and try to LP from there.

    Do you think the following diet plan will suffice for the time being while I test myself on LP? I'm basically trying to replicate your advice to case #1 in To Be a Beast and not worry too much about being super specific until I try this for 6-8 weeks. My main concern is that I'm not exactly 16-17 years old anymore and don't want to do anything stupid.

    This is today's plan:

    Breakfast: 738 cal , 136 c, 40 p, 39 f

    mid morning snack: 534 cal, 26 c, 68 p, 18 f

    Lunch: 794 cal, 93 c, 65 p, 17 f

    afternoon: 534 cal, 26 c, 68 p, 18 f

    dinner (after work out): 1167 cal, 130 c, 80 p, 36 f

    pre-bedtime: 534 cal, 26 c, 68 p, 18f

    *The "snacks" are the 2 cups of milk and 2 scoops of protein. I've added in another 2 cups of milk to get me to 0.5 gal/day.

    Other days would be similar but maybe slightly different time distribution of the macros due to meal types. For the day, this comes to 4600 cal, 393 c, 389 p, and 146 f.

    I'd love to figure something out to get me to the 190-200 level. I've put on about 10 lbs since starting to train again last May but those were primarily in the first months and my weight has been stagnant since about August.

    Thank you very much in advance for your help.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Hey Brian,

    Thanks for your post and welcome to the dark side. Here's exactly what I'd have you do:

    1) Read this

    2) Start at 200/400/120 and go up from there with carbs and fat to make sure you're gaining weight

    3) Stick to 5's. You're likely a novice as we define it because I think you will be able to put weight on the bar readily if you eat, don't do other stuff, and stick to 5's

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Thanks Jordan.

    I should have mentioned in my first post that I'm 5'10 but I doubt that changes your response.

    I'm assuming that's P/C/F for the macros? As it is somewhat less than the meal plan I posted, I'm curious if that's to avoid unneeded fat gain due to my age?

    I've read that article and am going to try my best to not make those mistakes. Training only 3 days a week is going to be a mental adjustment since I'm used to 5 days but I definitely understand the point in the larger context of the program. Trying to decide what to do with the free time isn't altogether a bad thing.

    Again, many thanks,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I'm assuming that's P/C/F for the macros? As it is somewhat less than the meal plan I posted, I'm curious if that's to avoid unneeded fat gain due to my age?
    Yes and it's to avoid unnecessary fat gain from upping dietary intake too rapidly to be useful in your demographic (somewhat trained, not malnourished, etc.).

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