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Thread: question about progress

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Default question about progress

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    Hallo, my name is Ilias and I live in Athens, Greece.

    I have been started the novice program 3 weeks now and I have finished the phase 1 but I am to weak yet.
    I have no barbell training experience. I did bodyweight training most and periodically I was wenting to a gym for a while.
    I started to find out how to power clean at the last 2-3 workouts. I think that I have decent progress in technique but I am not strong enough to put plates on the barbell neither the lightest. What I sould do? Is better to keep working out for a few weeks or just do the power cleans without weight?

    My stats: Deadlift from 60 to 105kg
    Squat from 20 to 50kg
    Bench press from 57.5 to 67.5kg
    Press from 20 to 35kg

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2019


    It would be very helpfull if you post how tall are you, how old are you and how much do you weight. Also I find it impossible to do a proper powerclean with empty bar. It is OK at first workout but later there need to be enough weight on the bar to force you to do the lift fast but not too much so you dont have to struggle with it every rep.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Vienna, VA


    I'm not a coach, but in my view you should hold off on the power cleans until you get your deadlift up a lot more. You should be able to deadlift 3x a week still, and probably for at least a few more week.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2020


    Thank you very much for your interest.

    I am 1.80m tall, 25 years old and 95kg.

    Today I had a little progress. Deadlift 107.5kg Squat 55kg and Bench Press 70kg. I have not be familiar yet with barbell training. For example I can do 40 push-ups in row but I am finding difficult to maintain proper form effortless in Bench press. The barbell exercises feels very different to me by the corresponding bodyweight exercises.

    A more experienced athlete in olympic lifts in the gym tells me that my techinque is good if we exclude the jump that normally should be more like a sliding of the feet to the side. Unfortunately the starting strength method is not common in Greece. Because of that no coach is familiar with starting strength to have a professional's opinion. So the only source for information is the internet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by ilias View Post
    So the only source for information is the internet.
    No it is not. There is a guy who wrote a few books. He is kind of fat but it seems like he knows his stuff...

    Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, 3rd edition (Current Revision, Paperback) – The Aasgaard Company

    Practical Programming for Strength Training, 3rd edition – The Aasgaard Company

    Read it. Than read it again. Those two book can take you far enough to be in every gymbro wet dream.

    And read this article. You are doing something wrong.

    The First Three Questions | Mark Rippetoe

    You got huge amout of progrees ahead of you. Eat, sleep, deadlift, repeat.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2020


    What is wrong? I have more progress than expected. The starting strength, at least up to now, works for me 2 times better.

    "At the end of this phase (1), if you’re in that 18-35 healthy male demographic, your squat should be 40-50 lbs higher than it started, your deadlift should be 50-70 lbs higher than it started, and your press and bench press each 15-20lbs higher than they started."

    squat: 65lbs, deadlift: 105lbs, press: 40lbs, bench press: 25lbs progess

    No book can replace a coach because book don't watching your errors neither you can do questions to a book for something you don't understand. Of course is helpful but not ideal.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by ilias View Post
    What is wrong?
    My bad. I just assume, since you're asking about power clean, that your deadlift stalled.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2020


    starting strength coach development program
    It's not stalled. Just I can' t adding weight day to day, I need a work out without deadlifts to add more weight. I am to 110kg deadlift (250pounds). I have started to learn the powerclean. I use high hang powercleans until I will can rack 60kg (130pounds) then I will start to execute from the floor. Now I can use max 40kg, the plates are small.

    Execuse me, maybe because my english are not very well. I am not very understandable.

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