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Thread: Have a shot at my cleans

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Have a shot at my cleans

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    ==4.22Mb video for form check. It loads 100% as an attachment but then comes up with an error? guess I'll try adding the clip later???
    ahh - dumbarse me, I should youtube it first~! - hey! it worked! haha =)

    Usual story..I think I can lift a lot more but have been working on form - but since I have never done cleans until my 3rd run at SS I will assume I am doing some dumb shit. lol, haha!

    This is where form checks are handy..just before I have a go thinking I kinda have this movement 'down' and start picking up a lot more weight and hence doing myself an injury.

    So my view: I have real issues with keeping my back 'straight'. Most times I feel like I am in extreme hyper-extension

    (is that the one where your back is bent all fucked-up wrong but backwards. i.e hips at slightly lower height than shoulders with a big 'downwards' curve of the spine?)

    So I feel totally opposite to what I see on the clip.

    I must add, the 2nd rep just 'flew'. I barely touched it and then felt like I had to grab it before it went to orbit....but reps #1 and #3 took effort.

    Opps, weight being lifted, I think 55kg (121lb).
    I don't have 20kg/45lb bumpers only 25kg/55lb bumpers, not ready for them yet =)

    obviously people are going to tell me my back is a.o.k. but everything else is all-fooked-up, sweet! that's why I'm putting up a form check =)

    Just another moan: What the F has happened to viewing video clips? I used to be able to pause them and then do a frame-by-frame thing just by sliding the 'slider-thing'
    Now, I click pause and I get a screen full of paused shots. I want to glide back-and-forward between them, not look at individual pics.
    Last edited by toonttm; 09-24-2012 at 03:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    DUDE! 15 looks and no-one gonna comment? come-on..I say, come...on....I'm sure i seen my elbows tighten and my shoulders must be to far forward?
    hmm...I might have to try and let Rip have a look....?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Moscow, Russia


    I'm afraid those who are looking are struggling to find something that is right about your cleans, sorry ;-)

    I'd start from the beginning and repeat all the learning steps from the book, starting with empty bar and pure jump from the hang.

  4. #4
    Brodie Butland is offline Starting Strength Coach
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    May 2011


    Your biggest problem is your set-up--the pull should start exactly as a deadlift, but your starting position looks nothing like a deadlift. Esp. see the third rep.

    You also aren't catching on your delts--your forearms are vertical on the catch, and then you stick your elbows forward. Elbows should be forward as you rack the bar.

  5. #5
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    North of Minnesota, eh


    Quote Originally Posted by osv2 View Post
    I'm afraid those who are looking are struggling to find something that is right about your cleans, sorry ;-)

    I'd start from the beginning and repeat all the learning steps from the book, starting with empty bar and pure jump from the hang.

    That's basically what Rip said in his Q&A.

    toonttm, I'll write out the white board notes for learning them later. I'll include the DL portion just in case your setup is way off there too. It's basically a Cliff's notes of the learning progressions in the books.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Nice, thanks very much - the same comments were said about my squat, then I went and worked on it, exactly what form checks are for.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Hey, Toonttm, your video is gone. You need to leave it up so we can all benefit.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gene61 View Post
    Hey, Toonttm, your video is gone. You need to leave it up so we can all benefit.
    I pulled the clip as I didn't take careful note of the background which to me contained a privacy issue.
    I have other videos posted that I have never removed and I actually posted a new one today.
    If people are that bothered about this I will go re-film with the same form.

    By the way, i have came across many videos on these forums that have been removed...didn't know it was such an issue and also don't see why it should be an issue.

    Also note someone complained to rip...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by toonttm View Post
    By the way, i have came across many videos on these forums that have been removed
    So other posters decided to be dickheads, you thought you'd join in?

    ...didn't know it was such an issue and also don't see why it should be an issue.
    I thought it was fairly obvious to anyone with both common sense and common courtesy. Clearly neither are as common as they should be. Rip even felt the need to make it perfectly clear:

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Heads up: all videos I critique in this forum must remain posted as long as the thread exists. I am not here for your personal use, and when I comment on a video of your technique, I'm really showing everybody else what you're doing wrong. If this bothers you, don't post the video. But if you do post the video and I comment on it, it stays up. If this doesn't work I'll have to stop commenting on videos. This would be the loss of a good free coaching opportunity, but less work for me, so be nice to your fellow Q&Aers.
    Also note someone complained to rip...
    I didn't complain to anyone. I addressed YOU in YOUR thread. Not my fault you chose to be a tool.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    North of Minnesota, eh


    starting strength coach development program
    Here are the learning progressions they covered. Hope this helps.


    1. Stance - Midfoot under bar
    - shin 1" from bar
    - toes out, feet ~ vertical jump width

    2. Grip - Narrow, just outside legs
    - double overhand as long as possible

    3. Shins - Knees forward until shins touch the bar, then push them out to the elbows

    4. Chest up - Squeeze up into extension (squeeze chest up to get back into extension)
    - Arms at ~5-7 degrees
    - Eyes out 12-15' on floor

    5. Drag - drag bar up legs

    Power clean:

    1: 3 Positions
    HANG - DL Stance, grip wider than DL standing, bar hanging in arms, internal rotation
    RACK - bar on shoulders, elbows foward
    Drop bar and catch in HANG
    JUMPING - knees & hips bent
    - arms straight
    - bar on thigh

    JUMPING position --> Jump - keep arms staright
    JUMPING position --> Jump & catch in RACK

    II. HANG
    1) JUMPING position --> Rack (clean it) x 2-3
    2) Slide the bar to just below knee cap, slide back up to JUMPING position --> clean x 2-3
    3) Slide bar to mid-shin, slide back up to JUMPING position --> clean 2-3

    III. Plates
    1) Clean starting from JUMPING position x 1
    2) Clean starting from just below knee x 1
    3) Lower bar to touch floor, come back up & clean x 1
    4) Bar on floor - clean x 2

    I & II are done with an empty bar.

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