How fast is your descent? Too fast can cause the bar's momentum to bend you over upon entering the concentric phase.
I've noticed in my last few weeks of squats, that my hips rise faster than my chest causing the bar to move forward of the mid-foot, resulting in a really hard good-morning. Can you guys recommend any cues for my next squat session?
I got knees out and elbows up, chest up, but it seems my chest goes down upon ascent.
I wish I had a camera, I'm going to see if I can borrow one from a friend for my workout on friday.
How fast is your descent? Too fast can cause the bar's momentum to bend you over upon entering the concentric phase.
This is not an uncommon problem. Here are a couple ideas.
- Your hips need to drive up, not back. Drive the ass up.
- Knees need to stay planted on the bounce out of the bottom. Knees solid.
- Aggressively drive your traps against the bar. Traps
There you go. Three ideas and a cue to go with each.
Good points. You must also keep the belly (and chest) full and tight. Push out against your belt. I assume your bar position is nice and low?
Thank you all for your suggestions.
I have an access to a camera, so I will take a video of tomorrow morning's sessions.
I also just received my inzer forever belt yesterday. Friday will be my first session with it...
Might be good to deload and work back up, that helps me when my form starts going to shit.
I have recently had this trouble and I may have cured it yesterday.
As i was getting into a squat stretch I noticed that i keep my lower back in a tigher arch doing this than when I squat. My friend told me that when i descend I get just to parallel, then my shoulders stop and my lower back just slightly un-arches and goes further down. THen on the way up it doesn't arch again so my torso rotates forward (chest down, ass up) and then i goodmorning it.
So by keeping my lower back arch tigher than ever I managed to get to the bottom without that slight un-tightening and then on the ascent I didn't rotate forward so the bar came up with my hips.
Try that... super extra tight lowest part of your back, especially at the bottom.
elbows DOWN will help with this.