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Thread: My Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default My Training Log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Hello, My name is Nate. I'm 19 and train MMA and BJJ and compete.

    Height-5' 8.5"


    Power Clean-255lbs

    These are obviously a long way off, but I feel I'm genetically strong and capable of reaching these goals in a reasonable amount of time.

    I'm actually on session 6 of Starting Strength.

    Session 6 of Starting Strength:

    Bench Press-Skipped, shoulder hurts
    Power Clean-3x3@155lbs

    I've decided to take the Overhead Press out of my SS training. I don't feel the need to use it. I want healthy shoulders and it hurts them. I feel no need for overhead strength in the sport that I compete in either. I have tendonitis in my shoulders sometimes, this movement doesn't help with that either.

    I plan on doing Cardiac Output work as well.
    Last edited by NovacekN; 09-03-2010 at 09:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    London, England


    Quote Originally Posted by NovacekN View Post
    I've decided to take the Overhead Press out of my SS training. I don't feel the need to use it. I want healthy shoulders and it hurts them. I feel no need for overhead strength in the sport that I compete in either. I have tendonitis in my shoulders sometimes, this movement doesn't help with that either.
    Have you read either of Rip's books, Starting Strength and Practical Programming? Sorry to hear about the shoulder pain. Do you think you should get it checked out, if its limiting your athletic options?

    Taking presses out of the program means you aren't doing the program. It also means that further down the line, you won't be able to do clean+jerk should you want to.

    Also, I would have thought strength in the shoulder above the horizontal plane would actually be an advantage in BJJ.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by slowjoe View Post
    Have you read either of Rip's books, Starting Strength and Practical Programming? Sorry to hear about the shoulder pain. Do you think you should get it checked out, if its limiting your athletic options?

    Taking presses out of the program means you aren't doing the program. It also means that further down the line, you won't be able to do clean+jerk should you want to.

    Also, I would have thought strength in the shoulder above the horizontal plane would actually be an advantage in BJJ.
    Thanks for the reply Joe.

    Yessirr, I have read both Starting Strength and Practical Programming.

    The shoulder pain isn't too limiting. It really only hurts in the vertical plane of motion. I could have benched the other day, but I didn't want to aggitate it into hurting more. But, no, it's not limiting my athletic options at all. Hopefully it'll heal up soon.

    I could see certain predicaments where as vertical pressing would be helpful. But for the most part BJJ is alot of keeping your arms tight and close in a horizontal fashion.

    For some reason overhead stuff always makes me hurt. It like pinches a nerve and it never agrees with me. As a matter of fact I did one week of overhead pressing when I started the SS program and that's when my shoulder started hurting... along with my elbows, low back, and neck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Day 7:

    Squat-3x5@225lbs (failure at 3rd set after 1 rep)
    Bench Press-3x5@135lbs

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Session 8:

    Squat-3x5@225lbs (completed all sets and reps)
    Bench Press-3x5@145lbs
    Power Clean-Skipped, I have a pimple on chest right where the bar landed and it hurt too bad.
    Decline Sit-Ups-3x10


    Going to do 225 on the squat again Friday for I feel I didn't reach parallel on all reps and stalled a bit.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Session 9:Starting Strength:

    Squat-3x5@225lbs (still felt a little heavy and I stalled a bit, seemed easier than on wednesday though. I think I'm going to plan a backoff week for the squat.)
    Bench Press-3x5@155lbs (felt relatively easy)
    Deadlift-1x1@325lbs (the pull felt solid and rather moderate, my grip was the limiting factor I feel as I almost dropped it)
    Decline Sit-Ups (weighted)-3x5 (one set, first set, I used a 40lbs punching bag, last two I used a 10lbs plate)

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