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Thread: Either i have the flu or hip/abductor/knee strain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Either i have the flu or hip/abductor/knee strain

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    This is new type of "pain" i've never experienced before. I went hiking last sunday for five hours and it required a lot of lunging like a single leg to climb some rocks. I lifted before that hike and felt fine the next day, i lift tuesday i feel fine. Wednesday i'm sitting at work and i feel like a bus hit me, my hips hurt on the outside near their sockets, my right quad insertion into my knee feels off, i briefly had hamstring pain towards the bottom of my right knee and my abductors felt shot. I felt better today after i focused on sleeping, but i tried squatting and everything felt off again. I was hyper aware of my right knee which felt off, not pain just being hyper aware of it. But the worst was the bottom of the squat i felt discomfort both my abductors, tried different stances figuring i could be off and promptly gave up after 10 singles.

    • Fucked Area symptoms
    • Right quad insertion on knee (One day only)
    • My hamstring on the same leg as quad, pain towards my knee (One day only)
    • Abductors feel strained at the bottom of the squat (Feeling currently)
    • Both hips felt funny, this feeling left after the one day (One day only)

    I'm accepting this could be something i fucked over and over used, but i'm also weighing the possibility that since my GF had the flu and body pain i might have it. No symptoms of the flu outside body discomfort and congestion.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Don't forget disseminated gonorrhea!

    Last time I had the flu, it felt like somebody nearly beat me to death with a 2x4. Every joint and every muscle hurt like a sumbitch.

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