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Thread: Switching Programs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Default Switching Programs

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    Hello, I was wondering if you guys think I should switch to starting strength? I started running wendlers 531 for about 10 months and all my lifts have gone up. Current stats 5'5, 150 pounds. My current lifts are:
    squat: 275 lbs
    Bench: 230 lbs
    Deadlift: 365

    Do you think I could make better progress running starting strength or should I keep running 531?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2017


    SS is a (great) novice program. It requires you to add poundage at every session.

    If you are still adding weight/reps to major lifts in your 5/3/1 at every workout (linear progression), then you might find quicker progress switching to SS.

    If your progress requires adding weight less often, which indicates the linear progression of SS might have run out, then I would be looking to stay with 531 or a different intermediate program like HLM or other.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Blasphemy round these parts but if you're making progress on all 4 lifts then don't fuck with things until progress stops.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by OZ-USF-UFGator View Post
    Blasphemy round these parts but if you're making progress on all 4 lifts then don't fuck with things until progress stops.
    Since im still making slow gains with 531, I will continue to run it. So far my deadlift max has gone up about 100 pounds, squat 75 pounds, and bench 50 pounds since I started. I just wonder if 531 has enough squat volume...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    St. Joseph, MO


    On the novice linear progression a 75 pound increase on the squat takes 5 weeks, not 10 months. Run the LP. Even if you're not able to run it for very long, you'll still get quite a bit out if it. Then you switch to intermediate programming and still increase your weights 4x faster than 531.

  6. #6
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    Jan 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by fattybuff View Post
    Since im still making slow gains with 531, I will continue to run it. So far my deadlift max has gone up about 100 pounds, squat 75 pounds, and bench 50 pounds since I started. I just wonder if 531 has enough squat volume...
    Or add a back off set or two to your program and continue.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    West Bend, WI


    Quote Originally Posted by fattybuff View Post
    Hello, I was wondering if you guys think I should switch to starting strength? I started running wendlers 531 for about 10 months and all my lifts have gone up. Current stats 5'5, 150 pounds. My current lifts are:
    squat: 275 lbs
    Bench: 230 lbs
    Deadlift: 365

    Do you think I could make better progress running starting strength or should I keep running 531?
    I am not sure that Starting Strength would be the right answer for your situation, depending on if you are willing to gain weight, etc. But I do think there are other program models that you will find on this site that are better than 5/3/1. How do you have your 5/3/1 program set up right now?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2017


    I am trying to gain weight currently. If I start SS what would you recommended setting my maxes at? Currently running 531 triumvirate.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    St. Joseph, MO


    You don't set maxes for the linear progression. You work up to 3 hard (not limit) sets of 5 and add weight the next time.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    West Bend, WI


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by fattybuff View Post
    I am trying to gain weight currently. If I start SS what would you recommended setting my maxes at? Currently running 531 triumvirate.
    Were the weights you listed your 1RM's? We could give you some ballpark numbers. I disagree with Michael a little about going up to hard (but not limit) sets. That is for a total newbie that not only gains muscle but also neuro muscular efficiency. You've been lifting a while, so it won't be the same as a brand new lifter. I would rather you undershoot a tad and have some running room to hit new PR's vs starting too heavy and hitting a plateau after 2-3 weeks.

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