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Thread: Deadlift Form Check @ 335

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Los Angeles

    Default Deadlift Form Check @ 335

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Just posted my first TM squat check - thanks in advance for your help! - and have decided to get greedy and post today's Intensity Day deadlift as well. Hope that's okay.

    Anyways, mentioned this in the SQ post, but as review: 6'2, 233, transitioning from LP + Advanced Novice taper to TM. Deadlift has been improving steadily after early pussyfooting and back pain. Currently sitting @ 335 and look forward to continuing progress towards decidedly less weak numbers. As for the lift itself, I am concerned with my lower back, and whether its marginal rounding (if that) is cause for correction. Is this worry valid? And is there anything else that you'd like me to work on?

    Thanks a lot, and long live SS.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Cedar Point, NC


    I am not a fan of all the bouncing around, it's very hard to replicate from rep to rep.

    You seem to start out well, though the angle of the camera makes it hard to determine the distance from the bar. Your shins are a little vertical on the first rep, indicating that the bar is too close. On the second rep, you put the bar down to far forward and roll it back, but your position seems better.

    Recommend that you do the following:

    Get the proper distance from the bar, bend over grab the bar (as you are, without moving the bar as you are), bend the knees until the shins touch. FREEZE YOUR HIPS. Stop bouncing around. Squeeze your chest up, and continue to do so as you initiate the pull.

    With all that bouncing around, notice how your hips are too low at the start, indicated by the raising of the hips before the bar moves as you finally get your hamstrings engaged. Your attempt to do so while bouncing around is not working...and difficult to repeat.

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