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Thread: squat depth and fatigue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default squat depth and fatigue

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    i've noticed that as the squats get heavier and heavier, it is becoming more difficult for me to maintain proper squat depth throughout all 3 sets.

    what is tiring out is my lower back from keeping it locked in extension through the set. it seems like the lower back muscles are having a tough time recovering from workout to workout. yesterday for example, my lower back was already getting tired by the time i finished the warmup sets.

    since I am able to get to the proper level of depth at the start of the set, it doesn't make sense for this to be a flexibility issue.... unless taking a wider stance would put less stress on the lower back muscles and therefore cause less fatigue over time... is that correct?

    i've ordered a foam roller to help with recovery. any other suggestions?

    my i see my options as:

    1.) stay at this weight for another workout
    2.) microload through this sticking point
    3.) do a minor reset to allow my lower back to catch up and correct the depth issues.
    4.) just suck it up and ramp up another 5 pounds tomorrow, but really focus on working through the depth issues.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Increased weight is going to make you feel more fatigued, just keep working at it. Perhaps 5lb jumps are becoming too much for you.

    FYI, you do not foam roll your low back, just legs, hips, butt and thoracic spine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Do you have any videos?

    There is a chance that form tweaks like a wider stance, will reduce tendency for buttwink and lower back fatigue. But this is only if your stance is limiting range of motion in the hip. I myself cannot even half squat with a typical stance width. I have to get feet & knees out pretty wide to be able to hold lumbar extension to the bottom.

    If you feel your technique is perfect, then what Gman said is totally appropriate. It does not make sense to add weight to deteriorating form.
    Last edited by Dastardly; 03-12-2010 at 11:41 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by gman View Post
    Increased weight is going to make you feel more fatigued, just keep working at it. Perhaps 5lb jumps are becoming too much for you.

    FYI, you do not foam roll your low back, just legs, hips, butt and thoracic spine.
    but foam rolling the low back feels so GOOD... it's like a deep tissue massage... what is bad about it? also, it's just irritating that my low back seems to be the weak link. my quads, glutes, hams are all recovering fine and can handle the weight. I'll go up to 235 tomorrow and really focus on grinding it out...

    but fuck these squats are getting heavy. I must be a natural deadlifter. I'm going up to 285 on DL tomorrow and i'm struggling with 235 on squats?

    dastardly - check out my post in the technique forum. I've got all 3 squat work sets, and 3 of my clean work sets from yesterday.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    How tall are you? My back always gives out before my legs on squats too. Might have to do with me being 6'5" with a tall torso, or maybe I just plain have a weak back, who knows.

    If you are sure you are eating and sleeping enough, it might be time for you to try going light on your squats on Wednesday. I had to do that pretty early in my own progression (6 weeks in), otherwise I couldnt recover in time for my workouts despite getting 8-9 hours per night and eating enough to gain 5lbs a week. All my other lifts would progress fine, but I was starting to fail bad on the squats (even after trying a couple small resets) until I added the light day.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    I'm definitely a lanky fuck. not as tall as you... 6'3". long torso, long arms, long legs. take a look at my squats in the technique forum if you want.

    I think it is a combination of being tall, tweaking my stance, and especially the huge amount of work stress/lack of sleep I am getting right now. It's killing my appetite. I've only gained about 7 pounds since starting the program, and i'm 10 workouts deep now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    If you feel like you low back is the limiting factor, have you added back extensions yet? The poor diet and lack of sleep can certainly contribute to this as well.

    With regards to foam rolling your low back, here is a great little 47 page primer on self myofacial release courtesy of Mike Robertson
    Last edited by gman; 03-12-2010 at 12:15 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    thanks for the link gman... VERY helpful.

    i haven't added low back extensions. one thing I find interesting is the lower back isn't a problem at all yet for my deadlifts... but that is probably because i have long ass arms.

    If i add in back extensions, where would I do it? 3 days a week at the end of the workout? perhaps on the days I do cleans?

    I don't to go to an onus wunsler type program just yet, because the deadlifts and cleans aren't giving me a problem at all. Also, could it be that my abs are weak and the low back has to compensate further? seems unlikely, but it's a thought.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by tweakxc03 View Post
    thanks for the link gman... VERY helpful.

    i haven't added low back extensions. one thing I find interesting is the lower back isn't a problem at all yet for my deadlifts... but that is probably because i have long ass arms.

    If i add in back extensions, where would I do it? 3 days a week at the end of the workout? perhaps on the days I do cleans?

    I don't to go to an onus wunsler type program just yet, because the deadlifts and cleans aren't giving me a problem at all. Also, could it be that my abs are weak and the low back has to compensate further? seems unlikely, but it's a thought.
    I would add them in just like Rip has it outlined in his book

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    in SS2E? i don' thave PP currently. The program outlined in SS2E is the Onus Wunsler program. I am hesitant to move to this program currently because it would slow down the rate of progression on my deadlifts and cleans a lot.

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