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Thread: Press form check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Press form check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Struggling with an overextended back once weight gets heavy. Warmup looks almost alright:

    But with in the work sets things get ugly:

    In that set the first lean back looks really weird. Normally I don't do that, but the overextension issue is the same. Gets worse with every rep.

    I'm trying to keep everything tight, trunk, glutes, legs. But still the same issue. Seems odd that I can keep my trunk straight during a 5RM deadlift with 190kg or a 5RM squat with 155kg, but not with a pressing 5 reps with 55kg.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Perth, Australia


    You're doing a lot of things wrong. But your low back isn't that bad. Your everything is loose, and this does not help.

    When you step out, take a moment, then tense your quads/legs, then tense your ass, then take a deep breath and squeeze your abs as hard as possible. Squeeze your abs so tight they pull your chest down just slightly. Once you have done all of this, you are ready to press. Now the hard bit, keep all of these things tense, all at once, as much as possible and continually throughout the set. If your legs are squeezed so light your quads start cramping up, you are getting close to tight enough.

    Now the other thing you have to work on is your bar path. When you press, press upwards, past your nose and forehead straight up to lockout. Then, bringing it back down, follow that same exact path downwards, past your forehead and nose. It might help to think about trying to hit your nose with the bar. Occasionally when pressing I tap my glasses with the bar. Now, your bar path isn't terrible, and it's not helped by your lack of tightness.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Makes sense. Not being tight enough obviously leads to a worse and worse bar path with every rep.

    As for the setup. I notice that once the weight gets heavy, it's hard for me to still keep a straight trunk and not raise my chest and rest some of the weight on that during setup.

    Will work on being more tight. Thanks for the feedback.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Tried to work on it in the past few weeks. Really try to keep abs as tight as possible. Also notice that it's a technique issue though. I didn't lean back at all initially, but then pushed my head through the bar, which kept the hips back, chest and head forward and made the overextension worse. Try to lean back properly and also push hips forward.

    Some reps I'm kinda correcting things in the middle of it. Kinda hard for me to say if it's still bad or if I'm overly critical. Watched some videos where Rippetoe teaches the press, people had kind of a similar back angle than me and he said the reps were fine.

    In general feel like it must be more of technique than a core strength issue. Maybe I'm not bending at the hips correctly. It would seem odd that I have the core strength to front squat 130kg for 5 reps, but not enough to press properly 50kg for 5 reps.

    Would appreciate feedback. Thanks
    Last edited by mkkn; 05-24-2014 at 02:14 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    East Coast


    one weird thing you might want to try is cleaning the weight before each rep. i don't know exactly why, but it helps me to stay tight and to stay stable ("straight" as you say above)

    one non weird thing you might want to try is gaining 30 pounds. you are very very skinny. sometimes when the wind blows, my tall sunflowers have trouble staying up straight.

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