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Thread: Program/Nutrition evaluation...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Program/Nutrition evaluation...

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Looking for advice under the following factors:

    37 y/o male; 5'10"; 205 lbs; ~26% bodyfat

    I made it about 8 weeks into the program and was pleased with my progress eating ~3500 kcal a day (>250g protein, fat and carbs to taste). Then I strained my lower back and have spent about 3 weeks recovering under reduced loads. During the recovery, I shifted to ketogenic (~2500 kcals/day) in the hopes of shedding some body fat - I did lose ~3% bf, but I'm also pretty certain my recovery and lifts suffered for it. I'm looking to get things put back together properly - I want to continue progressing on my lifts with body fat loss as a secondary, but subordinate, goal.

    Lifts (in lbs):

    SQ - 205x5x3
    BP - 145x5x3
    Press - 95x5x3
    DL - 275x5x1

    Training schedule:
    S-T-Th: lift + 15-20 min LISS
    M: HIIT - Don't have access to a prowler; I use an elliptical with resistance cranked and do 30s:180s sprint:light work
    W-F: 30 min LISS

    I found this fella whose stats are pretty close to mine:

    He's a bit older than I and my training schedule is more regular, but I wondered if the recommendations for him might be a good starting point for me.

    Thanks, by the way, for all the work you do to maintain this forum. It's been amazingly helpful.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan Feigenbaum View Post
    Here is what I would do:

    1) Macros on training days ~ 265/200/55 (P/C/F) and on off days 275/140/70.
    2) Titrate down the steady state to 1x per week and 1 HITT session (1:4 or 1:5 work to rest ratio with 10-20s "work" periods)
    3) Keep monitoring your progress and adjust carbs/fat as needed. I imagine advanced novice will be a good move in a month or so. Hopefully uor training can be more consistent too!
    I'd just bump the carbs up 25g so it's 265/225/55 (don't worry about decreasing the macros on the day off). I'd still titrate down the LISS tho for sure. Program looks solid.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Awesome. Thanks so much for the advice!

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