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Thread: overtrained intermediate Q (cross post)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Default overtrained intermediate Q (cross post)

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    I posted this up in the Elderly section somebody suggested I should put it in the coaches section, which it looks like is here. Maybe I am not elderly but I am certainly not 35 anymore either:

    First post on the forum. New here but not new to lifting.

    Simple question (I hope), where would you start off an overtrained intermediate quasi-older lifter in terms of programming and % of recent max etc?

    Stats are 57 yrs old, 210 lbs, lifting most of my life. Some spine issues, fused vertebrae blown disks, etc. but lifting heavy and with good technique keeps me able to do other fun stuff like snowboarding and mountain biking, fall down a lot and not get hurt too bad.

    As a consequence of the old injuries and other activity I was never much interested in pushing things in the weight room to the absolute max, just maintaining a good level of strength over the last decade or so. For me this means (singles with strict form) dead lift of mid-high 400's, sq mid-low 400's, bench low 300's, clean 225x3, standing push press 225x5. Never went too far beyond that on various programs (west side, various other fads, etc.).

    However this summer I was doing a great deal of extra outdoor activity, and also tried pushing the lifts a bit. Got seriously overtrained for the first time and had to take 3 weeks off. Read a lot including SS and PP3 and realize have a lot to learn programming wise.

    So the Q is where to start something like a TM or even basic 5x5 LP in terms of recent weights? For example last time I did 405 x 3 on dead lifts was when it began to dawn on me I was overtrained. Before that had done 455x2 off the floor no problem and 475x1 off 6" blocks. That set of 405x3 killed me but previously would have been no issues.

    I am back to lifting again but doing a simple 5x5 LP off of very low levels, eg 225x5x5 on deads and squats. This is more to test if I am still too beat up or not, and it seems I can do this. My extended Q would be then what is the right progression and which of the programs (TM, HLM, LP etc.) would be a good fit for somebody like me.

    Thanks in advance, this forum is a wonderful resource.


    PS: I live at 8000 ft ASL so maybe that plays a role.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Since you say you've read PPST3, the advice there at the end of the book is applicable. You can probably do a re-ramping-back-up LP for a while, don't make the jumps TOO aggressive, and then a program that accounts well for volume and recovery. I don't recommend TM for a 57 year old. A version of HLM would probably work well, and you can rotate the volumes and intensities on a bi-weekly basis to ensure adequate stress but also adequate recovery. Expanding upon every detail of the particulars is really more in line with a programming consultation than a forum post.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Wolf View Post
    Since you say you've read PPST3, the advice there at the end of the book is applicable. You can probably do a re-ramping-back-up LP for a while, don't make the jumps TOO aggressive, and then a program that accounts well for volume and recovery. I don't recommend TM for a 57 year old. A version of HLM would probably work well, and you can rotate the volumes and intensities on a bi-weekly basis to ensure adequate stress but also adequate recovery. Expanding upon every detail of the particulars is really more in line with a programming consultation than a forum post.
    Thanks much for the reply. Will continue with the mild LP ramping/rebuilding phase and keep reading all the good info here. Also have "Mean Ol' Mr Gravity" on deck but haven't started it yet. As soon as I get back to some normal weights will post up a form check video or two.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Sounds like a good idea. Carry on, AJ.

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