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Thread: Squat Check After Injury

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Squat Check After Injury

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    Hey Everyone,
    After fucking up my ankle, I'm getting back to Squatting. Just interested in getting a critique on these squats.

    This was a decently easy set of 205.

    It looks like my ass goes back before it goes up. What causes this and should I try to fix it?

    Also - Depth. How far above/below parallel am I? It looks like I'm going a couple inches below parallel (but when I see similar squats on the crossfit boards they're "too high").
    Last edited by pbjorge12; 11-17-2009 at 12:10 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Sure looks like you're going deep enough (IMO you could afford to not go as deeper to add some lbs to your squat).

    And about the butt going back, yeah that's pretty obvious too. As you read Ripp said in that thread, think of tightening up and pushing up not back. I also think that sticking your knees out and forward at the top 1/3 of going down, then keeping them out there until you are back to the last 1/3 of coming up will force your butt to go up instead of back.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    South of France



    the camera angle is probably fooling me, but aren't your knees moving just slightly towards each other, as you start the drive up ?
    That's the impression I have looking at the first set, but, as I said, it's probably just a result of the unusual position of the camera.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    hard to tell from the camera angle but I would say knees are sliding forward all the way down and it's killing your bounce out of the hole...and your torso is vertical to compensate

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    How are these looking?
    Took them today at 225.
    I think I've fixed the knees sliding pretty well... Shit. Maybe not. Just looked at it again and I'm setting them by about 2/3 of the descent. Are my knees to far forward? Your thoughts?

    I figured I'd go up with 10lb jumps until it stops and then do a mild reset? Or should I go up with 5 lb jumps starting from 225? 225 felts pretty easy...
    Last edited by pbjorge12; 11-20-2009 at 09:14 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    They look good but still have a fair bit of butt moving backwards especially on the last 2 reps. You're managing to keep the bar over your midfoot by compensating the back butt movement by allowing your knees to move back too early IMO, but i defer to the more experienced. And dam you squat deep

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Atlanta area


    You are also not keeping your head down very well.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Steve in ATL View Post
    You are also not keeping your head down very well.
    Damn. I trained at an Oly-gym for a month and they taught me to look straight ahead when I squat. It seems to have stuck. I'll fix that next session.

    And dam you squat deep
    I'll probably try and shorten the ROM when the weight gets heavier to get more pounds on the bar. I could probably cut a couple inches off it looks like? The issue is I never get hamstring tightness for whatever reason (I've got tight quads though). At a cert with Rip, I asked him about this and he said I was handling the bottom just fine so...

    I'll try and get a more normal video of me that includes my feet. Maybe that will make things a little more clear.

    I suppose this is all just nitpicking and I just need to lift and get stronger...

    Thanks guys
    Last edited by pbjorge12; 11-20-2009 at 11:19 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Your squat looks just fine. Keep your head down a bit more and they will look great. What you really need to do is put on about 50 lbs. This will help your squat out considerably. Really. Drink more milk.

    As far as hamstring tightness goes, starting with your warm ups, try actively contracting your hams and glutes, hell your entire leg, as you descend. You might find that consciously putting tension into your legs will help maintain the isometric contraction of the hamstring that Rip talked about and alleviate some of the exaggerated hip-back motion that can creep in as you fatigue.

    One more thing, if you film your squats again, please get somebody to hold the camera for you. Have them stand at a 45 degree angle from you and make sure that we can see the knees and the angle of the back. It would make figuring things out a lot easier.
    Last edited by Tom Campitelli; 11-22-2009 at 11:15 PM. Reason: Added part about the camera.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    i think your most recent set of squats look great. and like TomC said, dude gain some weight. With 50 pounds of body weight I'll bet you'll be squating 4 wheels in no time.

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