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Thread: quick (no pun) power snatch questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default quick (no pun) power snatch questions

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Since I haven't posted a question in several weeks - yes, I still really do care - I hope you won't mind three little queries on the power snatch, which may have varying degrees of silliness:

    1. Would you say that they tax the shoulders much, at least in comparison to power cleans?

    2. Given the much wider grip when compared to cleans, should one's stance be the same? That is, would a narrower stance be beneficial in the start position?

    3. Does the much wider grip necessitate any change in the start position you advocate for cleans/deads? It almost seems that power snatches force one to choose between hips-slightly-high or else hips-slightly-low (relative to how one would start cleans or deads).

    Thanks for your time, and hope I'm not wasting it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    1. Since snatches have an overhead support component that cleans lack, they obviously involve more shoulder stress.

    2. The stance would benefit from a wider toe angle, since the wider grip produces a torso position that is closer to the bar and the thighs will have to get out of the way of the hips if the locked lumbar position is to be achieved.

    3. The wider grip will produce a more horizontal back angle at the start than the clean, but if the thighs are out of the way due to the above-mentioned knees-more-out position the same correct pulling mechanics can be expressed, i.e. scapulas over the bar, bar over the mid-foot.

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