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Thread: Mike's SS Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Default Mike's SS Log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I haven't done a good job of keeping track of my work outs, so hopefully keeping a log here will help me with that. I am a 24 year old male and am currently 5'10 and 204 lbs (no idea what my bf% is).

    About my training history. I worked out pretty frequently in high school (6 years ago) due to requirements for football, but really wasn't too serious about it. Still, I managed to be one of the stronger kids on the team. Quit working out entirely until about 3 years ago. At which time I started going to the gym for about 3 months. The gym I went to went out of business and I just stopped working out.

    Now 3 years later, I've decided that I want to get as strong as I possibly can. I started starting strength 4 weeks ago and am pretty pleased with the progress I have been making. I haven't read any of the books, but here is the routine I have been doing:

    Workout A
    Squat 3X5
    Bench 3X5
    Deadlift 3X5
    Pull Ups 3XFailure

    Workout B
    Squat 3X5
    Press 3X5
    Rows 3X5
    Dips 3XFailure

    I just added the dips and pullups this week and I was doing powercleans but decided I didn't need to be doing them in my crowded ass school gym.

    Here is my worksets for my last two workouts

    Squat 205
    Press 120
    Rows 95 (first time)
    Dips 10,8,7

    Squat 210
    Bench 175
    Deadlift 275
    Pullups 3,3,3

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2015


    As a disclaimer, I am not squatting how most on here recommend. Instead, I am squatting high bar ATG because that is what I am familiar with. I plan on squatting this way until I stall, at which point I will take a pretty hefty deload and work back up using a low bar squat.

    I am not doing GOMAD, but am trying to eat as much as I can. I started 3.5 weeks ago at 194 and am 204 as of today. I took some pictures today to help track my progress. As soon as i figure out how I will post them and some videos of my lifts from this week.

    My goals for this year (before 1-1-16) are:
    Squat 315 3X5
    Bench 225 3X5
    Press 150 3X5
    Deadlift 405 1X5

    The next two weeks should be exciting because I am scheduled to hit a 225 squat, 185 Bench, 135 Press, and 315 Dead.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2015


    Got to the gym at 6:00 AM today. Workout went according to plan. Still no misses, but the last rep of press was tough.

    Squat 220 3X5
    Press 125 3X5
    Rows 105 3X5
    Dips 9, 8

    Wasn't feeling dips this morning so I only did two sets.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2015



    BW 205.5

    Squat- 225 3X5
    Bench- 185 3X5
    Deadlift 285 1X2
    Pullups- Frustrated after deadlifts, so I just left

    I watched so deadlift form videos this weekend and decided my form wasn't up to par. So, today I decided to stick at my planned weight with the new techniques. Only managed to get two, I think I am going to deload back to 245 and work my way back up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2015



    Squat 230 3X5
    Press 130 3X5
    Rows 115 3X5
    Dips (Didn't have the energy to do them after press)

    All in all todays workout went better than expected, since I pulled an all nighter Monday night and still felt a little groggy this morning. The last rep of press was super difficult and I barely managed to get it up. I guess I will be ordering some rogue 1.25 pound plates tonight and start microloading when they come in.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Walled Lake, Michigan


    Welcome. Keep up the good work. I'll follow along from time to time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2015


    Way to keep at it, I'm new to the program also, it's nice that you've been at lifting before, I'm an old man starting but it works, I can tell I've gotten stronger and thicker. If yo can get the book it's very detailed, however I find it hard to sometimes put what's in words into my traing and make it happen, keep keeping on.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Godtrainingfishing View Post
    Way to keep at it, I'm new to the program also, it's nice that you've been at lifting before, I'm an old man starting but it works, I can tell I've gotten stronger and thicker. If yo can get the book it's very detailed, however I find it hard to sometimes put what's in words into my traing and make it happen, keep keeping on.
    Thanks for the words of encouragement. I want to get some of the books, but I don't know that I would have time to devote to reading them between work, school, and studying for the CPA exam. I like your username, I'm big into fishing.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2015



    BW 209- Im thinking I was just holding a lot of water this morning because I was 205 on Wednesday
    Squat 235 3X5
    Bench 185 3X5
    Deadlift 225 1X5

    Deadlift was way too easy and I think my form today was a lot better. Is there anything wrong with me deadlifting 3 times next week to get it back in front of my squat or should I just continue as normal with bigger increases?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Walled Lake, Michigan


    starting strength coach development program
    You did back off too much on the DL. Go up to 275 and see what happens. Are you still doing 10 lb jumps each week? If so keep at it for as long as possible then switch to 5 lbs jumps.

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