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Thread: Eric's Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Default Eric's Training Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    44 age
    6'1" 345 lbs

    I'd been working with a trainer for years. Doing circuits and curling 20 lb dumbbells 50x per workout wasn't getting me where I wanted to be in terms of strength or size. Started researching how to get strong and came across stronglifts, started it, and then came here. What follows is my first nearly three months of training logs where I begin with Stronglifts and continue with Starting Strength.

    Thursday, January 21, 2016
    Squat 65x5x5
    Bench press 65x5x5
    Barbell row 65x5x5

    Saturday, January 23, 2016
    Squat 70x5x5
    Overhead press 45x5x5
    Deadlift 95x5

    Friday, January 29, 2016
    Squat 75x5x5
    Bench press 70x5x5
    Barbell row 70x5x5

    Wednesday, February 10, 2016
    Squat 75x5x5
    Overhead press 55x5x5
    Deadlift 105x5

    Monday, February 15, 2016
    Squat 80x5x5
    Bench press 75x5x5
    Barbell row 75x5x5

    finally getting squat form down, wider stance (shoulder width) with toes out 30 degrees

    Wednesday, February 17, 2016
    Squat 85x5x5
    Overhead press 60x5x5
    Deadlift 115x5

    squats pull on right knee in a weird way, over head seemed to take some effort for the first time today, dead lift was tiring too - belly gets in way, right ankle has mobility issues

    Friday, February 19, 2016
    Squat 90x5x5
    Bench press 80x5x5
    Barbell row 80x5x5

    back was super sore yesterday and legs achy. surprised I made it here today. feel better today and even better after lifting

    Monday, February 22, 2016
    Squat 95x5x5
    Overhead press 65x5x5
    Deadlift 125x5

    ringing ears, think I need more cardio, leg hurts from nearly falling down stairs yesterday - surprised I'm doing this

    Wednesday, February 24, 2016
    Squat 100x5x5
    Bench press 85x5x5
    Barbell row 85x5x5

    ears ringing after squats, assume this is caused by low blood sugar or not enough O2 to the brain. O2 is being used by the lift. need more efficient anaerobic system, accidentally did six reps on 2nd set of row

    Friday, February 26, 2016
    Squat 105x5x5
    Press 70x5x5
    Deadlift 135x5

    Monday, February 29, 2016
    Squat 115x5x5
    Bench 95x5x5
    Deadlift 145x5

    apprehensive about these weights. hoping adaptations occurred
    skipping rows in favor of deadlifts

    Wednesday, March 2, 2016
    Squat 125x3x5
    Press 75x3x5
    Deadlift 145x5

    switched to SS 3x5 to focus on deadlifts and maximal strength

    Friday, March 4, 2016
    Squat 135x3x5
    Bench Press 115x5,5,15
    Deadlift 165x5

    Tuesday, March 8, 2016
    Squat 140x3x5
    Press 80x3x5
    Deadlift 175x5

    Thursday, March 10, 2016
    Squat 145x3x5
    Bench 135x3x5
    Deadlift 135x5

    Extremely nervous about the bench press intensity today. I don't think I've ever lifted this much.
    I think I'm in the building zone now where every workout is going to be scary, but doable, for a while.

    Saturday, March 12, 2016
    Squat 150x3x5
    Press 85x3x5
    Deadlift 185x5

    light headed after squat sets
    nearly failed last rep of press
    deadlift was better - took my shoes off before work set

    Tuesday, March 15, 2016
    Bench 135x5,5,10
    Curl 65x8,6
    Squat 155x5,5,8

    Light headed after Squat set 1. Not as bad as Saturday the 12th though. Same with set 2. Accidentally exhaled at bottom of last rep of 2nd set. AMRAP = scary

    Thursday, March 17, 2016
    Skullcrusher 65x10,8
    Press 75x5,5,8
    Deadlift 195x10, 245x2

    Deadlifts felt really good with wrestling shoes rather than running shoes. Could have probably done 2-3 more @195. Increasing weight by 20 lbs for next week.

    Saturday, March 19, 2016
    Bench 140x5,5,9
    Barbell Curl 45x10, 55x12,8
    Squat 160x5,5,7

    Benches feel real good. Heavy but movable. Could have probably gotten a couple more reps out but form may have gotten bad and/or I may have gotten hurt or stuck.
    Curls burned. Probably didn't need a warm up.
    Foam roll before squats.
    Light headed after first work set of squats. Is that my blood sugar dropping to fuel the lift? People waiting for me to finish squats.

    Tuesday, March 22, 2016
    Squat 165x3x5
    Press 80x3x5
    Deadlift 215x5

    Thursday, March 24, 2016
    Squat 170x3x5
    Bench 145x3x5
    Deadlift 225x5

    Squatting is always scary for me.
    Benches feel heavy.
    Deadlift form always needs work.

    Saturday, March 26, 2016
    Squat 175x3x5
    Press 82.5x3x5 (first rep from floor)
    Deadlift 235x5, 265x1

    Squats were hard!
    Doing presses from the floor for first rep. Kinda like cleans, I guess. A bit more motion and that.
    Deadlift needs change of grip! Added a heavy single of 265 after work set. Used alternate grip. Worked better.

    Tuesday, March 29, 2016
    Squat 180x3x5
    Bench 150x3x5
    V-handle pulldown 120x3x8

    Pulldowns were tough the last couple reps of each set.


    Press 85 2x5,10
    Squat 155 2x5,12
    Deadlift 245x5

    Light headed after squat set 1. Not enough morning carbs?
    Hungry before deadlifts?
    Sore left glute after deadlifts. (This was a tweak of my lower back.)


    Bench 152.5 5x5
    V-handle pulldown 120 3x10

    Hamstring/glute still sore on left side, so skipped squats. Need a good sports chiropractor.


    Press 45x10, 65x3, 87.5x5x5
    V-handle pulldown 70x10, 100x8, 120x3x12,10


    Bench 155 5x5
    V-handle pulldown 120 3x14

    Ate a half banana before - in addition to breakfast of eggs.
    Bench is scary for me at this weight. Soon this will be a warm up weight. I remember when 135 scared me. Now it feels easy.


    Squat 165 3x5

    Hurt my back a week or so ago. Had to take some time off squatting and deadlifting.


    Press 45x10, 65x5, 75x2, 90x5x5
    V-handle pulldown 60x10, 85x3, 105x2, 125x8,8,9

    Minor headache. Did squatting yesterday mess up pressing today?


    Squat 45x10, 75x5, 95x3, 135x2, 155x1, 172.5x5x3
    Bench 45x10, 70x5, 95x3, 125x2, 145x1, 160x5x3
    Deadlift 45x10, 135x10, 165x3, 195x2, 215x5

    Light headed and ringing ears after squat work set 2. Not taking big enough breaths at the top. Right knee hurts a bit after squats too. 2 and 3.5 min rest between sets.
    (3 work sets, different notation from before. 5 reps, 3 times. Previous notation was 3 sets of 5. Now it's 5 reps by 3 sets.)

    Bench work set 1 felt heavy, but was doable. 2 min rest between all sets. Last rep of last set was weak. Racked before fully extending. Saying the perceived heaviness was because it had been six days since last Bench session. (3 work sets, different notation from before. 5 reps, 3 times. Previous notation was 3 sets of 5. Now it's 5 reps by 3 sets.)

    Was nervous about my back.
    Last edited by ericchris500; 04-16-2016 at 01:00 PM. Reason: Removing some tags

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Default 2016-04-16



    V-Handle pulldown

    Light headed after squat sets 1-2. Am I holding or pausing at the bottom. Finally getting the hang of low-bar back squats, though the bar seems to creep up when I am squatting (at the bottom I think). Maybe my head is down. PR on squat and press. Was supposed to do 92.5 on press but went for 95.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    People's Republic Of Maryland.


    Welcome to the boards. Good progress. (Of course any progress is good)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by waistline warrior View Post
    Welcome to the boards. Good progress. (Of course any progress is good)
    Thanks. Hoping to keep it going for a while.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    The Refinery State


    Welcome to the boards. Good progress. (Of course any progress is good)
    +1 - welcome to these parts. You're on a great track to improve, well, everything!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by peez View Post
    +1 - welcome to these parts. You're on a great track to improve, well, everything!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Default 2016-04-19


    185x5x3 (3 minute rest btwn sets)

    162.5x5x3 (2 minute rest btwn sets)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2016




    Feels good to be squatting heavy (for me) again.

    Not lightheaded for a change. Did the pre-workout Gatorade do that?

    Squats feel super-strong today. Didn't sleep well last night, but have been eating like a pig (for someone who needs to lose 70-100 lbs).


    Last couple reps were tough on sets 2 and 3.


    Need to get straps. Trouble holding the bar leads to reduced concentration on form, and possibly another tweaked lower back. Maybe use mixed grip.
    Last edited by ericchris500; 04-21-2016 at 07:20 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    Tue 4/26/16
    Bench: 155x5,5,8
    Squat: 195x5x3
    Squat bar felt light. Like the gym put out a lighter bar.
    195 didn't feel light.

    Mon 5/2/16
    10 min treadmill warmup
    Press: 95x5,5,10
    Squat: 195x5,5,8
    40 min LISS walk at work

    Wed 5/4/16
    Busted my toe yesterday
    Bench: 155x5,5,8
    Deadlift: 235x5x2
    Straps helped focus on back form

    Tue 5/10/16
    Squat: 200x5,5,2
    Lost my balance on my 3rd set of squats and dumped the bar. Lack of concentration with a busted toe. At least that's my story (for now).
    Press: 100x5,5,9

    Thu 5/12/16
    Bench: 157.5x5x3
    Squat: 175x5x3

    Tue 5/17/16
    Press 105x5x3
    Squat 200x5x3

    Thu 5/19/16
    Bench 165x5x3
    Deadlift 245x5

    Mon 5/23/16
    Bench 167.5x5x3
    Squat 205x5x3

    Thu 6/2/16
    Press 107.5x5x3
    Squat 210x5x3

    Mon 6/6/16
    Bench 170x5x3

    Tue 6/7/16
    Squat 212.5x5,5,4 (lost balance last rep of last set and dumped it)

    Sat 6/11/16
    Press 95x5,5,14
    Deadlift 250x8

    Thu 6/16/16
    Bench 172.5x5,4, 155x9 (172.5 5th rep 2nd set: hit the bar on way up, didn't have clips on, balance went out and weights fell off - I fell off the bench too)
    Squat 170x5,5,12

    Tue 7/5/16
    Deadlift: 175x5, 200x5, 225x5

    Thu 7/7/16
    Press: 75x5, 90x5, 100x9
    Bench: 75x10x5

    Sat 7/9/16
    Squat: 130x5, 150x5, 170x6

    Mon 7/11/16
    Bench: 110x5, 130x5, 145x10
    Press: 55x10x5
    531 day 4

    Tue 7/12/16
    Deadlift: 185x3, 215x3, 240x5
    Squat: 100x10x5
    531 day 5

    Thu, 7/14/16
    Press: 85x5 (oops), 95x5 (oops), 105x7
    Bench: 85x10x5

    Mon 7/18/16
    Squat: 140x3, 160x3, 180x12
    Deadlift: 135x10x4 (pulled plug on last set light-headed)

    Tue 7/19/16
    Bench: 120x3, 135x3, 155x10
    Press: 65x10x5

    Thu 7/21/16
    Deadlift: 200x5, 225x3, 255x5
    lilterally exhausted!

    Fri 7/22/16
    Press: 90x5, 100x3, 110x7
    Bench: 100x10x5

    Tue 7/26/16
    Bench: 160x5,5,8
    Squat: 190x5,5,10

    Thu 7/28/16
    Press: 112.5x5, 5, 8
    Lat-pull: 130x8x3
    DB curl: 20x10x5

    Sat 7/30/16
    Bench: 165x5, 5, 9
    Squat: 200x5, 5, 10

    Tue 8/2/16
    Press: 115# - 5 5 6. Narrowed my grip a bit after reading about the lift in Greyskull, 531 and SS. Cleaning first rep of each set off the floor.
    Squat: 205# - 5 5 8. Feel nowhere near as strong as I felt Saturday.

    Thu 8/4/16
    Bench Press: 157.5# - 5 5, 167.5# - 7, 155# - 5. Had wrong weight on bar for first two sets. Did another set at 155 to make up for it.
    Lat-pull: 120# - 6, 130# - 6 8. Left bicep pain.
    Powerclean: 95# - 5. As warm-up for deadlifts. Attempted 135 but couldn't get it up. I'm tired. Crap sleep last night.
    Deadlift: 260# - 5.
    Gym felt like shit today. I guess you need shit days to create good ones.

    Sat 8/6/16
    Press: 117.5# - 5 5 6
    Cleaning the bar of the floor for first rep of each set. Want to powerclean 135#.

    Powerclean: 125# - 2, 135# - 2
    These are fun! I want more!

    Squat: 210# - 5 5 7
    Okay. Got it done with more than 5

    Tue 8/9/16
    Bench Press: 170# - 5, 5, 5. Left elbow pain.
    Squat: 215# - 5, 5, 7.
    Walk: 21:47, 1 mile - afternoon at work.

    Fri 8/12/16
    Press: 120# - 5, 5, 7.
    Deadlift: 265# - 6. Extremely tired after. Got light headed a few times (after some warm-up sets and work set). Felt like I almost fainted after work set.

    Fri 8/26/16
    Bench 160x5,5,8
    Squat 200x5x3

    Tue 8/30/16
    Press 105x5,5,9

    Tue 9/6/16
    Bench 140x5,5,9

    Thu 9/15/16
    Press 105x5,5,8
    Deadlift 205x8

    Mon 9/19/16
    Bench 155x5,5,7
    Squat 175x5x3

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Ocean City, MD


    starting strength coach development program
    How's your bw doing? Why not run SS programming to the letter for a few months and get really strong? Then you will be in a much better position to experiment with other rep schemes, exercises, etc.

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