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Thread: Form check: Squat/Bench/Power Clean

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Fairfax, VA

    Default Form check: Squat/Bench/Power Clean

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    I put my final warm-up set in the squat in there just in case my form devolved at my top weight. Sorry that you can't see my feet, but I couldn't get far enough away.
    On the Bench, I can see that I don't have a vertical bar path. What cue can help this?
    And, I do have octagonal plates for my PC, which means I have to adjust my feet between every rep, annoying but i hope it's ok.

    I'll post my Press and Deadlift form after my next workout.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Fairfax, VA


    Ok. I watched the "Bar Position" Platform video and can see that I am doing a high squat, not a low one and my wrists aren't straight. I could also be more consistent in my depth.
    For the bench, I think I need to bring my elbows up a bit and push up my chest and shoulders back.

    And I definitely need to work on rack position.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Fairfax, VA


    I've added a link to my press and dead:

    Other than an impressive amount of lumbar and thoracic flexion in the dead, what else is wrong?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    San Francisco


    Quote Originally Posted by Bar-barian View Post
    I've added a link to my press and dead:

    Other than an impressive amount of lumbar and thoracic flexion in the dead, what else is wrong?
    Dude ... Really?

    Your deads are less than ideal. To be charitable. Have you read/reviewed the book? Not trying to be a dick but these are nothing like what SS teaches. Also, a video from the front is not particularly helpful. Review the sticky on filming form checks.

    Read (or re-read) the deadlift chapter in the book. Take 50 pounds off the bar. Make your best attempt at a set using the SS model. Film a useful video. We'll go from there.

    Press is decent. Get much tighter. Valsalva, abs, quads, everything. Harder hip whip.

  5. #5
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    Can you be more specific? I have the DVD and the book 2nd edition. The bar is over mid-foot, 1 inch from shins. My hips are high and my chest is up so that you can see the front of my shirt. My elbows are straight.
    Yes it's a bad angle and yes my back is not extended.
    But on page 122 I have 3 of 4 of the criteria.
    I think I need to cue knees then back and to set in extension.
    As for deloading 50, my dead is already well blow my squat. I'll see if I can set extension at this weight before I deload.

  6. #6
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    My grip width is about 20 inches and my feet are 16 inches apart, both near the maximum distance from SS.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bar-barian View Post
    Can you be more specific? I have the DVD and the book 2nd edition. The bar is over mid-foot, 1 inch from shins. My hips are high and my chest is up so that you can see the front of my shirt. My elbows are straight.
    Yes it's a bad angle and yes my back is not extended.
    But on page 122 I have 3 of 4 of the criteria.
    I think I need to cue knees then back and to set in extension.
    As for deloading 50, my dead is already well blow my squat. I'll see if I can set extension at this weight before I deload.
    Since you evidently think I'm lying to you, these are the problems I see. I'm sure there are more but I cannot see them because of your poor choice of video angle.

    1) Your back is not just round, it is circular. You make ZERO attempt to set your back or hold it in extension.
    2) You rock back on your heels in the middle of the pull. Notice your toes coming up off the ground?
    3) You take a breath at the top - I can *hear* it, tho I cannot see it, because your video is once again not helpful in this regard.
    4) The bar is not level at 'lockout' (more on this later). I can't tell you why because I can't see your whole body.
    5) I'll bet you your lockout is fucked up. Again, I CANNOT SEE IT, but my 'this guy's lockout is fucked up' sense is tingling.
    6) I'm pretty sure you're shrugging at the top, and also possibly leaning back too much, very possibly overextending your spine. If I'm right, you're going from severe flexion to overextension of your lumbar spine. Are you *trying* to break off a piece of one of your vertebrae, or will it just be a happy accident?
    7) You say the bar path is vertical and it begins over your midfoot. I guess I'll have to take your word for it since I CANNOT SEE ... oh nevermind.
    8) Your stance may be a bit narrow - and I'd point my toes out a tad more - but that is the least of your worries. Worse is your narrow grip. Why are your hands so far into the smooth? Do you have the hip width of Kate Moss? Do you not see (and feel) your hands touching your legs? Of course you don't, because ...
    9) You are not keeping the bar in contact with your legs during the entire rep. It is like a woman who doesn't truly love you, touching you only occasionally and seemingly at random.

    Yes. Deload by 50 lbs. You have a LOT of work to do. And I don't want to see you hurt your back, which as you go heavier with this form becomes a distinct possibility. And then you will go telling people that lifting, or deadlifting, or SS, or Rip 'hurt your back' and that would be ... unfortunate.

    And btw, your squat is ahead of your deadlift because you're a good 2-3" above parallel. I could have told you that without watching your squat video, but I watched it anyway just to be sure. Because I'm here to help.

  8. #8
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    Here's a new one, with a much flatter back. And my first attempt at low-bar squatting. I think I have to take off about 75 lbs and work my way back. And work on my shoulder flexibility.

  9. #9
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    "You take a breath at the top - I can *hear* it, tho I cannot see it,"
    "I'll bet you your lockout is fucked up"
    " I'm pretty sure you're shrugging at the top"
    "I could have told you that without watching your squat video"

    This is why I don't believe you, since you admit that you can's see, but still give advice and admit that you would give the advice whether you see it or not. I posted a better video from the side, only 30 lbs less and the only change is that I set my back. I measured by stance and grip and compared it too the book, now I ask you have YOU read the book? Or did it change a lot in the 3rd edition?

    And the last reason I don't' believe you is that my squats are parallel. I just looked at the video again and I am dropping down and bouncing off the bottom. Again, the video angle isn't great but I don't think that is the issue.
    I will try a little more turn out and I guess I am of above average height so I will widen the stance two inches and you are right that I should move my hands out of the way. Also, have been cueing the rowing action of engaging the lats, but could definitely do it more.
    i have decided to take your advice and deload across the board. I've been doing SS for almost three months now and will de-load by 15% and focus on strict form, and record all of my workouts. i do appreciate your input, if not the tone given, and know that I have much to improve.

  10. #10
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    starting strength coach development program
    Ok I'm not going to argue with you. I still see many of the same issues in your new video, again with the caveat that the videos are shitty. The squat video is basically useless - I can't even see all of your legs. Which are, you know, kind of important in the squat.

    Watch your deadlift video again. Can you not see the bar traveling all over the place while off the ground? Can you not see your raising your toes off the ground at lockout? These are not highly technical critiques.

    On the squat, from what I *can* see: Your grip is wrong. Bar is high on your back. Tightness seems to be a foreign concept. You're looking straight ahead into the mirror. You're not shoving your knees out. You're not standing all the way up at the top.

    Or, again, maybe I'm making all of this up just to troll you. You decide.

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