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Thread: Texas Method - 4 day split

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Texas Method - 4 day split

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi Andy -

    I previously posted this in the other programming thread, but I thought I'd bring it directly to your doorstep.

    I'm approaching the end of linear progression, and I'd like to transition into a 4-day split using Texas method style manipulation of intensity and volume. This is the template I've put together - let me know what you think:

    Week 1

    Volume Bench 4x5
    Push Press 1x5


    Volume Squats 5x5
    BB Row 3x5

    Volume OH Press 5x5
    W. Dips 3x5
    Chins 5 sets

    Intensity Squat 1x5
    Deadlift 1x5 (this may become 1x3 very soon)

    Week 2

    Intensity Bench 1x3
    Push Press 1x5

    Volume Squats 5x5
    BB Row 3x5

    Intensity OH Press 1x3
    CG Bench 3x5
    Weighted Chins 3x5


    Intensity Squat 1x5
    RDL 3x5

    As you may have noticed, instead of giving emphasis to bench or press on a given week, I would be doing volume for both overhead press and bench, with intensity lifting in the following week for, again, both lifts.

    Deadlifts are scheduled every other week: at this point in my adaptation, I'm unable to deadlift weekly without creating systemic stress that interrupts my squat recovery. I will prioritize progress on my squats before deadlifts, because I believe they are ultimately responsible for long term progress in the deadlift.

    I've included the push press to add a little athleticism to the program. Power cleans would obviously be more suitable for that intended goal, but in a few months, I'm going to be transitioning into Olympic lifting, and the coach (a level 5 USAW coach) advised me not to do them because they'd likely impede my learning the clean the way he teaches it. I don't have the knowledge to qualify these statements, but he's the only expert I've spoken to in person.

    Your help is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    Looks fine to me. I have never programmed it this way but that doesn't mean anything. Just work the program EXACTLY as you laid it out for 8-12 weeks, and modify it as little as possible. Then see what happened and let us know.

    If you are gonna hire a coach then do as he says. Otherwise, don't hire him. Just keep getting your squat and DL/RDL strong and your clean will come along in time.

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