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Thread: DL Clarification

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    St. Louis, MO

    Default DL Clarification

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    Thank you in advance.

    I have just restarted the NLP, because I think it's clear that I never finished NLP in the first place due to operator error. My question is w/r/t to deadlifting.

    The progression I've seen on this site and in the various literature is:
    Phase 1 - DL 3x/week
    Phase 2 - DL 3x/2 weeks
    Phase 3 - DL 1x/4 workouts (A - DL, B - Chins/Pull-ups, A - Clean, B - Chins/Pull-ups, A - DL, B -Chins/Pull-ups).

    I have also seen/heard several Coaches recommend DL'ing 1x/week by fiat, like Andy Baker and Jordan Feigenbaum, as early as a few weeks in (like Mon - DL, Wed - Chins, Fri -Power Clean) or later on the advanced novice program's light squat day with lighter pulling movements on the heavier squat days.

    I am: 33, male, 5'9" and low 180's, recently Deadlifted 325x1, have small to average hands, and have started this run at the LP at 225x5.

    Question 1 - 10 pound or 5 pound jumps? There seems to be more qualified opinions for 10 pounds, but I have no embarrassment left to give about making small jumps, or dumb questions, so I thought I'd ask.

    Question 2 - Frequency - should I start at 3x/2 weeks ---> 1x/4 workouts ---> 1x week, or just start at 1x week?

    Appreciate the time and any response.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Use 10 lb jumps until it starts to get hard. Then switch to 5. I realize hard is a subjective term, but as a Novice without a coach, you won't really be able to use more objective criteria anyway. If in doubt, start 5 lb jumps and don't continue 10. My best guess is this will be around 265-275.

    Start doing 3x/2 weeks (alternating with cleans). Again, when that becomes hard, aka you feel fried trying to clean and DL pretty much every time, switch to once a week - either beginning or end of the week, with cleans on the other bookend day and chins in the middle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    St. Louis, MO


    Roger, Wilco.

    Thank you!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    I was planning to ask this question too as it seems to be the recommendation given in SSC articles and podcasts of late. I was deadlifting every fourth workout in LP (as described in SSBBT and PPST) and was starting to think that it didn't feel frequent enough.

    With that said I was still making 5lbs jumps each time, but it just didn't feel like enough practice. I guess if you can tolerate more frequency and are making progress with it then it's working.

    I'm taking another run at LP now (having taken an unplanned month-long break from training :/). Currently deadlifting every session but will alternate soon. DL once a week sounds pretty good for the advanced novice stage, either TM/HLM style as described above by Wolf or on the light squat day. I've seen it recommended that you deadlift first on the light day too.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Theoretically you are getting practice with the same pulling mechanics off the floor if you alternate the DL with the power clean. But a) whether we like it or not, most people aren't doing that and b) even some people who do, don't pull the power clean the same way as the deadlift.

    When first switching to advanced novice, DLing on the light day seems to work well. After a while, it seems the fatigue from a near limit, and by that point actually heavy and stressful, deadlift affects squats 2 days later. So pulling once a week on either the Monday or the Friday, instead of the light Wednesday, seems to work better at that point.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    Yeah I tried to keep the two pulls as close as possible (same shoes, same grip etc). Think my cleans aren't up to much to be honest! Gonna try keeping the deadlift in for as long as possible as I think I was a bit quick to switch it up last time.

    Thanks for the advice will be sure to try both methods in advanced novice stage this time. And thanks Brian for letting me piggyback the thread!

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