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Thread: Archive Article: Incremental Increases

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas

    Default Archive Article: Incremental Increases

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2018


    Great article! I’d be surprised to hear that there is anyone on the planet that isn’t excited by seeing plates added to the bar. It’s great for the ego. And as far as I could ever tell, muscles make for a better presentation-for men and women alike!

    I will add that I’ve always wondered why more gyms don’t invest some time in discussing nutrition with their clients. Half the novices (in the ordinary definition) that I talk with think that just because they’re burning a few more calories it means they can binge out. If they wish to lose some weight and build muscle, then a combination of a good nutrition plan along with heavy weights is the best bang for their buck. And if they’re small and want to add mass, they still need to talk about nutrition. I’ve always hated to see the hopelessness of some of these people. Some of them really have no idea how to get themselves fit. Empowering them with knowledge is the best way to keep them coming back. Obviously, speaking to the choir, so no insult intended.

    I had a woman come over to me and the old gym owner at the old gym and ask us how long it took us to get fit, and the owner told her to just keep showing up and she would get there. I had to tell the girl to get her diet in line, and I talked with her about nutrition (whatever it is that I know). Then I talked with the gym owner and told her that she was setting the woman up for failure by telling her that that was all it took. This is where the disgruntled, former customer’s come from. People should hear what it really takes. Set their expectations appropriately.

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