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Thread: Competition Squat Spotting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Camino, CA

    Default Competition Squat Spotting

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    Is there a reason that competition squats aren’t conducted with some sort of safety bar system as opposed to having a group of human spotters clustered around the lifter? Is it to help save the bar from destruction or is it to make sure there are people there to help the lifter back to the rack if necessary? With truly heavy squats, it seems like it could be a lot safer to have bars to catch the weight as opposed to a couple of people trying to keep up with the squat. It might also make judging a little easier since there wouldn’t be so many people in the way.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Some federations use a safety system. These are also the federations that do not judge squat depth. It's almost as if squatting weights heavy enough that such equipment is necessary/desirable is not compatible with squatting below parallel. You have a choice in the sports marketplace.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Chicago, IL


    Spotters aren't even trained either. This weekend Blaine Sumner bailed on a 1,000+ squat and the two side spotters tried to catch it with their hands. The USAPL uses safety arms for bench, but not squat. That certainly makes no sense. But then again, you're only allowed to wear tighty whities in these federations so not much makes sense.

  4. #4
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    North Texas


    About 35 years ago, Starr suggested that spotters should be eliminated from the competition, for the calming effect it would exert on attempt selection. The opposite has occurred, what with the advent of a spotter on the deadlift -- previously joked about -- in some federations.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Camino, CA


    There is something to be said about having to perform without a net; though I can understand a meet director's desire to not have someone die or be mangled on their platform.

  6. #6
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    Apr 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    About 35 years ago, Starr suggested that spotters should be eliminated from the competition, for the calming effect it would exert on attempt selection. The opposite has occurred, what with the advent of a spotter on the deadlift -- previously joked about -- in some federations.
    Spotter on DEADLIFT?? What possible....

    Nevermind. Forget it, it's Chinatown, er, power lifting.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    North Texas


    I shit you not. I think it comes from the fact that their high school football coaches all told them to look up when they deadlift, so they fall over backwards at lockout. Although having some moron standing behind the lifter serves no rational purpose other than to involve another person in the wreck.

  8. #8
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    Apr 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    I shit you not. I think it comes from the fact that their high school football coaches all told them to look up when they deadlift, so they fall over backwards at lockout. Although having some moron standing behind the lifter serves no rational purpose other than to involve another person in the wreck.
    I don't doubt for a moment that it's done, but why? If I break down on a deadlift I put it down, or still worst drop it. Unlike a squat it's damn near impossible to get pinned under the bar on a deadlift. I've been trying all day to figure that and decided it's Chinatown, so I can't get it.

  9. #9
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    North Texas


    It's Chinatown, Jake. That's all there is to it.

  10. #10
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    West Bend, WI


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark D View Post
    I don't doubt for a moment that it's done, but why? If I break down on a deadlift I put it down, or still worst drop it. Unlike a squat it's damn near impossible to get pinned under the bar on a deadlift. I've been trying all day to figure that and decided it's Chinatown, so I can't get it.
    The back spotter there really can't do much in most situations. Where I have seen a couple of saves is when the lifter puts the bar down and then starts to pass out after standing up again. Normally that guy standing there can help out with that. But I also saw a guy pass out while pulling the bar up. Not much you can do but watch that happen. :-)

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