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Thread: Tom's In-season Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Tom's In-season Log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Monday 8/11/10:

    3*5 Back Squat: 167.5kg
    5*5 Press: 72.5kg, 72.5kg, 72.5kg (failed 5th rep), 70kg
    3*10 Curls: 20kg dumbells

    Wednesday 10/11/10:

    Match day. Horrible forwards match. Got ball twice. must have had 15% possession. Lost to Royal Vets 1st XV.

    Thursday 11/11/10:

    3*2 Back Squat: 190kg
    2*3 Bench: 117.5kg
    3*10 Dips: 20kg added

    Weighed in at just under 88kg. Was up at over 89kg last week. Probs water weight lost from match.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010



    Pursuing general strength and conditioning for rugby and just as an end in itself. I will probably enter a raw meet in the UK this summer, hopefully at at least 90kg, if not in a class above, though during the rugby in-season I am not really concentrating on bulking.

    Having said this, does anyone here have experience with playing a position like wing (similar in demand to running back I guess) AND adding size at the same time? I would probably add more mass if I thought I could do this without becoming slow.

    Also, with regards to speed, does anyone out there playing wing or RB or whatever add in extra speed work? At the moment my only speed work is during training.

    Would generally like any feedback from those playing amateur contact sports on how they deal with strength and conditioning alongside sport specific training. As it stands schedule is light. 2hr training on Saturday, match on Wednesday.

    Squat: 220kg (current 200kg) Deadlift: 245kg (current 230kg) Bench: 140kg (current 125kg?) Press: 90kg (current 82.5kg)
    Last edited by tommcadam; 11-15-2010 at 01:20 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010




    I am following something like a TM, but with reduced volume on squat due to added extra recovery needed for rugby training and matches AND interval style training for conditioning (usually only once a week).
    Last edited by tommcadam; 11-15-2010 at 01:22 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Saturday 13/11/10:

    5*5 Bench: 105kg (not as easy as I would have liked)

    5 rounds for time of: 10 Front squats at 70kg/ 20 double unders
    Time: 11.54 (horrible, horrible circuit. Think I could go faster)

    Monday 15/11/10:

    3*5 Back Squat: 170kg (PR! tough but not horrific. sets took a while and really had to think about valsava)
    2*3 Bench: 120kg (PR! Really happy with this, was struggling with doubles at 117.5kg a couple weeks ago. Really makes a difference having someone to lift off)

    3*8 Weighed Pull-ups: 20kg
    Last edited by tommcadam; 11-15-2010 at 01:14 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010



    Wow, I have been bad at keeping this log. I'm gonna try to start again and keep it up this time. First an update on current PRs and goals etc:

    Squat: 192.5kg * 2 (estimated 1RM of approx. 200kg)
    170kg * 5 * 3

    Deadlift: 230kg * 1 (think it may have increased since last 1RM attempt)
    207.5 kg * 5

    Rack Pull (from below knee) : 475lbs * 5

    Bench: 122.5kg * 3
    107.5kg * 5 * 5

    Press: 70kg * 5 * 5
    80kg * 2

    Bodyweight 88-90kg 193-198lbs


    Squat: 500lbs (227.5kg)
    DL: 600lbs (272.5kg)
    Bench: 300lbs (140kg) pretty close to this already.
    Press: 200lbs (90kg)

    Body weight: 95kg = 210lbs


    Rack Pulls: 475lbs * 5,3
    Press: 165lbs * 6 * 1
    Conditioning: 4*500m row 2 min rest between rounds, keeping pace to below 1.45. split (last round higher)


    Squat: 145kg * 5 * 5 (feeling real tired after rack pulls)
    Bench: 122.5kg for 3 then 2 (didn't want to overdo it)


    Squat: 190kg * 2 * 2
    Bench: 107.5kg * 5 * 5
    Pull-ups: 25kg * 5 * 3

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Sunday 6/3/11:

    Squat: 150kg * 5 * 5
    Press: 72.5kg * 5 * 5
    Barbell Rows: 92.5 kg * 5 * 3
    Weighted sit ups: 10 kg * 15 * 2

    Tuesday 8/3/11:
    Squat (recovery): 140kg * 5, 135kg * 5
    Bench: 122.5kg * 3 * 2
    Conditioning: 7 rds of 1 min row 30 secs rest kept split to below 1.45 until rd 7

    Wednesday 9/3/11:
    Training on Regent's Hard ass ground made contact very painful...

    Friday 11/3/11:
    Squat: 192.5kg * 2 * 2
    Deadlift: 215kg * 3 * 1
    Bench: 110kg * 5 * 3

    (had to run as had car on pay and display...)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Bodyweight: approx 91kg

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Monday 14/3/11:
    Squat: 152.5kg * 5 * 5
    Bench: 125kg * 3 * 2
    Dips: 25kg * 10 * 3

    Wednesday 16/3/11:

    Los by a considerable margin to RUMS 2s - really could do with a pack that can play rugby and likes to make a tackle or two.
    On the bright side, I was man of the match! Made a try saving covering tackle from midfield in which I chased down the opposition winger from about 10m behind. It was something like a 60m foot race and I really didn't know if I was gonna get there But I did and in the process put landed on his skinny ass - got to my feet and secured the penalty. Made another try saving covering hit later on too and a pretty savage high forearm clothes-line style tackle on opposition 15, taking him into touch and receiving a stern warning as a result.

    ALSO, finally hit the perfect 5s ball line from the blindside, broke through 12 and 13 convincingly and flung a pretty awesome offload out of a tackle to the left about 10m, to put the try in. Our only try.

    Really gonna miss UC rugby. hopefully get onto the masters course...

    Friday 18/3/11:
    Squat: 195kg * 2 * 2 PR!
    Bench: 110kg * 5 * 5 PR!
    Deadlift: 215kg * 3 * 1

    Weigh-in: 92.8kg... Don't think was exactly reflective though.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Do you mean UCL as in the uni? And if so do you lift in the gym there?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Yeh, University College London. I lift in the Bloomsbury gym. If you lift there, and you squat there, I'm sure I would have spoken to you. Are you at UC?

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