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Thread: Joe H's - 5/3/1 Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Default Joe H's - 5/3/1 Training Log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Alright so a little background about me.

    My name is Joe I've been a lurker, occasional poster on here for a few years now and have had a few logs on stronglifts, but ever since the free member ban debacle I haven't remade a log anywhere else. I enjoy the community here so I would like to keep a log here and hopefully be able to add something worthwhile, maybe at some point. My training background is definitely interesting to say the least, I've been doing some form of lifting since my early teens via football and wrestling during middle school & high school. I kept up with it to a decent degree during college but beer and girls always seemed to take precedence over my training. Now for the past 3-4 years after a slight lull in training I have been fairly consistent other than this past spring and summer.

    I have been running with 5/3/1 for a little over 2 years, but not sure how many cycles I've completed exactly since I lost my original spreadsheet on a laptop that died. I've created a new one and put it up on my Goggle Docs account, can be viewed here:
    Since I haven't been very consistent over the past year I decided to start over and re-test my lifts, which is why the weights are pretty low right now.

    A little more about me I'm 27/M, as of this morning 229 Lbs and probably in the 20-22% Body fat range. My initial goals are to generally gain some amount of strength back to some degree of where I used to be, and get my weight and BF down to a healthier range. The main goal of my training is to be healthy and strong. The body composition goals are what takes precedence as of right now until I'm down to at least 205/15% BF, and at that point I can re-asses my needs.

    I just finished my deload for cycle 1 and will be starting cycle 2 next week. I generally get about 3 days a week in for lifting and other various mobility, conditioning, and BW workouts when I have time. I plan to track my weight loss, sleep, and my workouts in this log.

    More details to follow...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Pittsburgh, PA



    Warm up: jump rope, stretching, face pulls

    Press - 5x55 5x70 3x80 3x95 3x110 13x120
    NG Pull Ups - 10 5 5 7 5 6 (Gray band)
    Dips - 7 5 5 - Stopped here when shoulder began to hurt
    DB Row - 5x10x75
    Farmer Walk 5x140x35yds

    Not a bad workout today, felt pretty tired due to crappy sleep last night. Nagging shoulder injury decided to creep up during dips decided not to push it and call it a day for pressing. Pulling seems to be unaffected by it so I might focus on that for a little longer until my shoulder feels better.

    Sleep - 7.5 hours

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Pittsburgh, PA




    Warm up: jump rope, stretching, face pulls

    TB Deadlift 5x95 5x120 3x145 3x170 3x190 12x215

    Jump Rope 4x75
    Back Extensions 4x10x5
    Squat 4x20


    Lots of stretching and mobility work
    10 - 100 yard shuttle runs


    Warm up: jump rope, stretching, face pulls

    Bench 5x80 5x105 3x125 3x145 3x165 11x185
    BB Row 4x10x135 7x135
    Push Ups 5x15
    Jump Rope 5x75
    Planks 3x45s


    Warm up: jump rope, stretching, face pulls

    Squat 5x120 5x150 3x175 3x205 3x235 5x265

    Back Extensions 4x10
    Leg Raises 4x10
    Jump Rope 4x50

    Been a busy week haven't had a chance to update the log all last week felt pretty good and strong. Didn't get a lot of good sleep and ate like crap over the weekend and my crappy lifts today reflect that. Going to get back to eating well and getting enough sleep.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Pittsburgh, PA


    Decided to revive this log and try to stick to logging it here in addition to my spreadsheet.


    Warm Up: Leg swings, jump rope, stretching

    Hang Power Clean 3x45 3x65 3x85 5x3x95
    OHS 5x2x95
    Squat 3x135 3x155 3x185 3x215 3x245 5x275

    Kept it quick and light today was running late and hadn't done cleans or ohs in awhile and want to work them back in on my squat days.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Pittsburgh, PA



    Warm Up: Face pulls, jump rope, stretching

    Press: 10x45 5x65 5x80 5x95 5x105 5x120 6x135
    Pull Ups: 5x5 (Neutral Grip - Orange EFS Band)
    Chest Supported Row: 5x45 5x75 5x90 5x110 5x135 5x160
    Ring Push Ups: 5x10 (Feet on small box)

    Shoulder work:
    Cable internal/external rotations 3x15
    Band Pull Aparts 6x10
    Snatch 3x3x45 - Held top position for ~30s

    Just to note the shoulder work above is to try and focus a bit on my right shoulder, I've had a bad right shoulder since HS when playing football. Earlier this year I tweaked my shoulder getting under the bar for squats and it's hurt on and off since. Seems to only hurt on the cable rotations and when squatting for the most part, going to be incorporating a lot of the PT work I did years ago when I first hurt my shoulder to see if it helps. I'm also going to be swapping out back squats for atleast a cycle or two and going to try front squats since these don't seem to bother my shoulder. Will re-assess in the next few weeks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, PA



    Warm up: leg swings, stretching, jump rope

    Power Snatch: 3x3x45 3x65 3x85 3x105 - Stopped here since shoulder started to hurt
    Power Clean: 5x3x115 1x135* - ugly rep
    Deadlift: 5x135 5x160 5x185 5x200 5x215 5x250 5x280
    Lung Walk 3x30yards
    Knee Raises 3x10
    Power Shrugs 15x135 15x155 15x185

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Pittsburgh, PA



    Warm Up: Face pulls, jump rope, stretching

    Bench Press: 5x135 5x150 5x165 5x190 5x215
    Barbel Row: 5x45 5x95 5x115 5x135 5x145 5x165 5x195 2x225
    Chin Ups: 4 4 4
    Dips: 5x3
    Med Ball Push Ups: 3x12
    Push Ups: 3x10
    Seated Cable Rows: 15x120 15x140 15x170

    Felt good today, shoulder felt pretty solid with very little discomfort. I've decided not to push the last set of Bench and Press for a bit and put more of a focus on the assistance exercises rehabbing my shoulder.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Pittsburgh, PA



    Hang Power Clean 3x45 3x65 3x85 3x85 3x95 3x105 3x3x95*
    Front Squat 3x115 3x135 3x155 3x175 3x195 3x215 3x235
    Deadlifts 5x10x225
    Knee Raises 4x8

    *Stopped due to shoulder starting to hurt.

    Since I've removed back squats from my routine temporarily I decided to try and find a 3RM today on my front squat and hit 235 pretty easily. All FS were done with a clean grip until the last two sets, I will continue to work on wrist and forearm flexibility to eventually only use the clean grip. My guess for the cleans hurting my shoulder was due to catching the clean and not the clean grip itself since it felt fine during front squats. I will shoot for a heavier 3RM or maybe a 1RM next squat day and then add the front squat to the 531 rep scheme for awhile. I swapped out trap bar deadlifts and did conventional deadlifts since I'm not doing back squats currently and want to hit my PS chain enough.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Pittsburgh, PA


    Wow...I suck at keeping up with a log.

    Warm up: Face pulls, jump rope, stretching

    Press 10x45 5x65 5x85 3x95 5x120 3x135 1x150
    N Pull Ups 6x5 - Orange band
    Med Ball Push Up - 5x12
    CSR 5x90 5x115 5x135 5x155 5x180


    Warm up: leg swings, stretching, jump rope

    RDL 10x45 10x95 5x115
    Deadlift 5x135 5x165 3x200 5x250 3x280 1x315


    Warm up: leg swings, face pulls, stretching, jump rope

    Bench 10x45 5x95 5x125 3x150 5x190 3x215 1x240
    Barbel Row 10x45 5x95 5x115 5x135 5x155 5x175
    Front Squat 3x135 3x155 3x185

    Was a busy week last week so I kept it brief and light on volume.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Pittsburgh, PA


    starting strength coach development program
    Warm up: Face pulls, jump rope, stretching

    Press 10x45 3x65 3x85 3x100 3x115 3x130 3x150 3x130 3x115
    Band Pull Aparts 3x20
    N Pull Ups 7x5 - orange band
    Face Pulls 3x20
    CSR 5x90 5x115 5x135 5x155 5x175
    Ring Push Ups 4x10; 1x8


    Warm up: leg swings, stretching, jump rope

    RDL 10x45 10x95 5x115
    Deadlift 3x135 3x175 3x205 1x225 3x240 3x270 3x305 1x330 1x365 1x385 3x270 3x240
    Front Squat 3x135 3x155 3x185
    Planks 3x60s

    Good week this week even though I only made it to the gym twice and the deadlift and presses felt great. I'm reading Wendler's beyond 5/3/1 right now and incorporating some of the new suggestions for now. The focus of the next few months will be on the deadlift as this is the safest lift to really push with me trying to heal my shoulder.

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