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Thread: Dougs becoming a useful human being log.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Kent Wa

    Default Dougs becoming a useful human being log.

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    So I have been doing SS for around a month now and I thought writing out an online log would help keep me honest.

    Ok some stats I'm 5'11 26 years old and 210 pounds. I workout in the mornings around 5:30am. I'm a bit chubby so I have been eating paleo + dairy but not shying away from the calories, and taking some advice from what I read on John Shaefers forum.

    Mondays workout.

    Squat 3x5 230 deadlift 1x5 265 bench press 177 1/2. pulls 5 3 2

    Wednesdays workout squat 3x5 235 powerclean 5x3 140 press 2x5 125.

    My deadlifts feel great They came up with no problem double overhand grip.
    My bench press feels good to, I just switched to micro loading but I almost think I could have got a bit more out of 5 pound increments. I think I'll stick to 3 or 3 1/2 pound jumps for awhile. I'm having issues with my knees wanting to come in on the squat and I'm not keeping my chest up properly on the last couple reps of each set. I also just don't seem to "feel my core" I'm not sure exactly what I"m doing wrong. Belt is on its way though so I'm hoping that will help. I failed a rep on my powerclean, (pretty girl was stretching in front of me, I got distracted) but other then that they felt good

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Kent Wa


    I woke up at 3:30 today an hour and a half before I meant to. It hasn't interfered with training yet, but I have to start getting better sleep.

    I ate some sweet potatoes and chicken and some whey protein in water about fifteen minutes before I headed to the gym.

    Squat 3x5 240 bench 3x5 181 deadlift 1x5 275. Pullups 5 4 3

    Things went well this morning. I was able to better keep my chest up during squats and my knees only bent inwards on a couple of reps. Bench went well again but I know my form is off and I have trouble keeping a straight bar path. I need to work on this or its going to be an issue. Deadlift felt very heavy and I think I will have to switch to a hook grip soon but my form was good I think.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Kent Wa


    Woke up at five this morning and had a little protein, sweet potatoes and chicken before I headed to the gym.

    Squats 3x5 245 press 3x5 128 1/2 pcleans 5x3 145 pull ups 5 3 3

    Squats are getting heavy but I don't think I'll fail anytime soon. I started micro loading the press but I think I may have gotten by with another five pound increment or two. Still best to err on the side of caution. My form really sucks on the cleans. I didn't fail on any of the reps but some were very difficult and ugly but then a couple others just flew right up and I think I could have clean and pressed them without to much difficulty. I might have been able to get another pull up or two but I didn't have much time to rest had to hurry to work.

    I have put on about 60 pounds on my squat and a comparable amount on my other lifts. I have only gone from 206 to 212 however. I"m glad I'm not getting fat but I do worry I'm not getting quite enough food in, I'm gonna work on that, drinking my third glass of whole milk now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    LOL You eat the same thing that I feed to my pit bull, for breakfast :-P chicken and sweet potato (or beef and sweet potato) is the breakfast of champions right there.

    You could probably stand to eat that again, along with a cup of rolled oats in greek yogurt and whole milk (like chunky, lumpy cereal) on the side, immediate post-workout. Put some berries in there too, black berries, blue berries and straw berries. It looks AWFUL, but it tastes great, at least to me. Your mileage may very.

    It took me a long time to get the hang of eating enough. I didn't eat enough at all when I started barbell training. Once I found Rippetoes' I gave in and started eating more. Roughly a gallon of whole milk a day on top of 4,000, 4,500 calories. That seems to work for me so far. I've gained weight but I'm not turning into a huge fatass. Plus, I'm never starving!

    Keep up the good work, and good luck!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Kent Wa


    Thanks for the advice gamedog!, but is your pittbull 70's big?

    Squat 3x5 250 bench 3x5 185 deadlift 3x5 285.

    Everything went well. Forgot a couple micro loading plates so I had to take a four pound jump in the bench but other then that no trouble.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Kent Wa


    Squats 3x5 255 press 3x5 231 clean 5x3 150 pull ups 5 3 3

    Everything was feeling great till I got to the cleans. They were all ugly as hell and I failed the last rep. My form just sucks and I think I'm doing the dreaded "reverse curl". Im going to reread the chapter in starting strength this weekend as well as watch the dvd. I really just need to borrow or buy a camera and post some form vids.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Leeds / Liverpool UK


    I hate power cleans and I hope they die.

    IMHO, unless you know someone who can perform them with awesome form and can give you tips, its hard to learn for the book or DVD.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Love your log title, subbed

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Kent Wa


    squat 260 Bench 188 1/2 deadlift 295 pull ups 3 4 3.

    Fuck that was a hard workout. I went camping up in the hills around ellensburg this weekend. I didn't sleep well or eat good-enough and I definitly burned a lot of calories, quading, climbing trees, choping wood, hiking around and exploring. I am making up for this now, currently on my fourth glass of whole milk.

    Heh thanks Braindrop. Oh and I hear you on the cleans Mclee. I only live about 25 minutes from eastside strength and conditioning. Their one of the 70's big friendly gyms and I think they do that seal fit stuff there. Seems like a good place to get some coaching.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Kent Wa


    starting strength coach development program
    squat 3x5 265 press 3x5 134 cleans, total failure. Pullups 6 5 4

    Squat was ok, a couple reps were really, really grindy. I think the bar is resting just a touch to high on my back. My press was hard but went fine. Very wobbly on the top though I think a belt would help here, but I got the wrong size so the new one is a couple weeks out. Cleans...those sucked. I reread the chapter in starting strength and attempted to use the hook grip, but over thinking the movement just screwed everything up. I was running out of time so I stoped, however my apartment complex has a barbell with about 200 pounds of weights so I'm going to go down their after work with my copy of starting strength and really try to hammer this out. On the positive side since my arms were not fatigued from my crappy cleans I was able to get a pr on pullups.

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