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Thread: Ratios: Dead, Squats, Clean, Snatch

  1. #1

    Default Ratios: Dead, Squats, Clean, Snatch

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    What I've noticed:

    Low Bar Squat = ~80% Deadlift
    High Bar Squat = ~80% Low Bar Squat
    Front Squat = ~80% High Bar Squat
    Power Clean = ~80% Front Squat
    Power Snatch = ~80% Power Clean

    Quick conversions based on the preceding:

    Front Squat = ~ 2/3 Low Bar Squat (80%x80% = 64%)
    Power Clean = ~ 1/2 Low Bar Squat (80%x80%x80% = 51.2%)
    Power Clean = ~ 2/5 or 40% Deadlift

    These aren't absolutes; just some numbers from a not particularly explosive guy who focuses on the powerlifts.

    I believe Oly guys like their Front Squats to be closer to their High Bar Squats (about 90%) and their Power Cleans to be closer to their Front Squats (also almost 90%). Throw in the fact that they don't deadlift or low bar squat very often if at all and those are closer to each other and the rest, too; upshot is that their power clean is more like 66% of their deadlift instead of 40%.

    Again, nothing absolute. I won't bring a federal case against you if you don't agree. I just like looking for patterns. Would be interested in anyone else's ratios if they're inclined to share.
    Last edited by Gary Gibson; 12-11-2009 at 01:05 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Chicago, IL


    My deadlifts are lagging behind squats due to programming errors, but if I squat 310, what would that put my deadlift at, you suppose?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    I haven't been training productively for long, but for what it's worth, my low bar squat is a little over 75% of my deadlift, and my power clean is about 60% of my low bar squat. I don't know how these numbers will change as I become more familiar with the movements.

  4. #4


    Mr. City

    Depends on limb to torso ratio, overall girth, hand size and which lift you've been favoring. Really heavy lifters have bellies that help the squat but that hinder the deadlift; really big squatters may have leg strength that exceeds their hand strength and/or size (like lightweight USAPL supersquatter Wade Hooper).

    Ceteris paribus, you should be able to deadlift 125% +/-10% of what you squat.

    But mind you, there was a time I barely squatted at all and only ever deadlifted (under the sway of a certain website forum). I got my deadlift up to around 345 but could barely squat 225; I pulled 150% of my squat! That just ain't right. But that's mainly because the squat takes a lot more learnin' than the deadlift. Skinny novices (which I was for a decade) can usually pull way more than they can squat until they spend a few weeks/months programming the squat properly and with good form.

    Edit: So a skinny beginner may start out with a deadlift half again as big as his shaky squat. A stout veteran with squattish levers and strong legs may find his squat and deadlift about the same. A superheavy or a strong guy in gear would squat more than he could pull.
    Last edited by Gary Gibson; 12-11-2009 at 02:00 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Squat is 83,3% of my (conventional) deadlift.
    Front squat is 75% of my squat.
    Power clean is 71,7% of my front squat.
    Power snatch is 53,3% of my front squat.
    Military press is 63,3% of my benchpress.

    These are done with belt and wrist wraps. Gear would distort them a lot, and I'm using conventional deadlift instead of sumo for the same reason. My power clean and snatch are calculated from the 1rms I tried about 2 months ago where as squat and deadlift are fresh. I'm pretty close to those maxes with my training weights so they've probably increased since then, also the front squat is a bit off aswell since I've been training it for about 2 months again after a long time off of it, it's going up really fast at the moment.

    edit: fixed the numbers
    Last edited by h k; 12-11-2009 at 03:35 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    I removed my actual lifting numbers because these threads tend to turn into circle jerk about how strong people are.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009


    That's pretty damn close to what's going on with me, Gary. The only differences are my front squat is about 90% of my high bar squat, and my power snatch is only like 70% of my power clean.

    I don't ever use any gear (yet anyway.) I'm interested to see how much of a difference lifting shoes make. I have it on high authority from a snoopy 2.5 year girl old who can't keep a secret that I'm getting some for crimmas.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    My squat is 78% of my deadlift.
    My power clean is 76% of my squat, and 60% of my deadlift.

    I'm pretty happy with these percentages. They mean I'm on the right track. Hopefully, as I get stronger, I can keep my power clean as close to my squat and deadlift as it is now.

    That's all the stats I have because I haven't front squatted, high bar back squatted, or power snatched for max weights.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Some of these maxes are not tested:

    Deadlift 100% - 385lbs
    Squat 95% of Deadlift
    Bench 60% of Deadlift
    Powerclean 56.5% of Deadlift
    Press 38% of Deadlift

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    So basically if my power snatch is 50% of my deadlift then something is wrong? lol

    I already know my numbers aren't proportional, because I squat more than I pull.

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