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Thread: Srini B - Intermediate Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Srini B - Intermediate Training Log

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    I started Novice routines in Dec 2009 and was done with linear progression on the Squat and DL by early Oct 2010.

    Actually, still thought that I had a little amount of linear progression left on my presses, so, continued with LP on my presses, while switching to the Texas Intermediate on the Squat and DL. But, not much progress on my Presses with LP, so, decided to get include all my workouts into TM.

    Earlier to Dec 2009, I have been working out the gym for a little over an year, but the gym being a predominantly body building gym, I was of course working out with body split routines and such – never felt fully comfortable with that. Then came across many of Coach Rip’s clips on the internet and it completely changed my workouts. Although, it was a minor battle with the gym coach initially, managed to start my own workout log and routines based on the Squat, DL, OHP, BP and the Power Clean. All lifts have been performed per Coach Rip’s methods, (to the best of my abilities) – I do realize that I still need to upload videos to try to iron out any form issues, (my cell phone videos come out too grainy to be approved – need to get a decent digital video cam and record my workouts & then upload).

    Actually, from a Programming perspective, I had initially come across the Stronglifts site and so my Novice routines were all based on SL5x5 (Novice). I believe my Novice progression has produced decent results for me.

    Regarding diet, I am still eating predominantly Carbs filled foods (Indian Veg) – although I do eat eggs often, will definitely have to get much more proteins (and fats) into my meals - this should result in much faster and better results for sure.

    My Physical Stats:

    Age: 44 years
    Hgt: 5’ 7”
    Wgt: 90 kgs (198 lbs)

    Have a bit of a tummy – think that will definitely reduce with a reduced amount of carbs and an increased amount of proteins (and fats) in my diet.

    Linear Progression numbers are: (start of LP -> end of LP)

    Squat(3x5)58 kgs (128 lbs) -> 118 kgs (260 lbs)
    DL (1x5) 82 kgs (180 lbs) -> 130 kgs (287 lbs)
    OHP (3x5) 34 kgs (75 lbs) -> 60 kgs (132 lbs)
    BP (3x5) 44 kgs (97 lbs) -> 78 kgs (172 lbs)
    PC Started with Bent Over Rows initially and when that started to get real boring, switched over to Power Cleans. At present I can Power Clean 65 kgs (143 lbs) with decent form, (I am sure form critique from video upload will do me a lot of good here. At the moment, beyond this weight, 65 kgs, I start arm pulling).

    Although, my Squats and DL have been following TM for about a month or so now, (while still continuing with Linear Progression on my presses), now that I have switched to TM for all my workouts, I shall start to log my workouts and progress here henceforth, (from earlier last Tuesday (Volume) and yesterday (Recovery), and continue onwards).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Nov 23, 2010 (Tue) (Volume)

    LBB Squat (5x5) 100 kgs
    BP (3x5) 78 kgs
    Power Clean (6x2) 50 kgs

    Push Ups (3xF) BW-13,12,11


    1. Squat – Warm Ups -> 45 kgs (2x5), 40 kgs (1x5), 60 kgs (1x3), 80 kgs (1x2)
    2. Tried Bench Press, one last time on Linear Progression. Still could not get 5 reps in any of the sets with this weight – able to get 4 reps on first set and 3 reps on the subsequent 2 sets. Therefore, no improvement since the last 2 deloads and this is a true stall on LP at this weight. So, will be getting my presses into TM as well. Truly done with Linear Progression.
    3. Push Ups – could only make 9 reps on the last/final set.


    Nov 25, 2010 (Thu) (Recovery)

    LBB Squat (2x5) 80 kgs
    OHP (3x5) 45 kgs

    Back Hypers 3x10
    Pull Ups BW-P3, P3, P3


    1. Squat – Warm Ups -> Front Squat 45 kgs (2x5), 30 kgs (1x5), 45 kgs (1x3), 60 kgs (1x2)
    2. Everything on TM now, including Presses (OHP & BP)
    3. Chinup/Pullups numbers are so depressingly low – has been that way for quite a while. Need to put a lot of effort to up these numbers for sure.


    Nov 27, 2010 (Sat) (Intensity)

    LBB Squat (1x5) 105 kgs
    BP (1x5) 74 kgs
    DL (1x5) 120 kgs


    1. Squat – Warm Ups -> 45 kgs (2x5), 40 kgs (1x5), 60 kgs (1x3), 85 kgs (1x2)

    Last edited by Srini B; 12-03-2010 at 01:52 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Nov 29, 2010 (Mon) (Volume)

    LBB Squat (5x5) 104 kgs
    OHP (5x5) 46 kgs
    Power Snatch (6x2) 34 kgs

    Parallel Bar Dips (3x5)


    1. Worked out at RedBulls Gym (no bumpers & no shoes allowed here)
    2. As part of overall initial warm ups, Overhead Squat [(empty bar)10 kgs (1x3) & 24 kgs (1x3)]
    3. Squat – Warm Ups -> 45 kgs (2x5), 40 kgs (1x5), 60 kgs (1x3), 80 kgs (1x2)
    4. No belt in sets 1-4 – used belt in the final (5th) set.
    5. OHP – Warm Ups -> 45 kgs (2x5), 20 kgs (1x5), 30 kgs (1x3), 35 kgs (1x2)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Dec 2, 2010 (Thu) (Recovery)

    LBB Squat (2x5) 80 kgs
    BP (3x5) 68 kgs

    Back Hypers 3x10
    Pull Ups/Chin Ups BW-P3, P3, P3


    1. Worked out at RedBulls Gym (no bumpers & no shoes allowed here)
    2. Could not get to the gym yesterday (Wed) as originally planned, due to heavy rains and horrendous traffic conditions.
    3. As part of overall initial warm ups, Overhead Squat [(empty bar)10 kgs (1x3) & 24 kgs (1x3)]. Thinking of increasing to 5 reps on each set. Helps so much with lower back strength and stability and of course, helps me get trained for when I later do Full (Squat) Snatches.
    4. Squat – Warm Ups -> Front Squat 45 kgs (2x5), 30 kgs (1x5), 45 kgs (1x3), 60 kgs (1x2)
    5. No belts on any of the Squat sets.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Dec 4, 2010 (Sat) (Intensity)

    LBB Squat (1x5) 108 kgs
    OHP (1 RM) 52 kgs
    DL (1x5) 124 kgs

    Good Mornings (3x5)
    Push Ups (3xF) - BW - 13, 12, 11


    1. Worked out at RedBulls Gym (no bumpers & no shoes allowed here), as it was raining heavily and this entails much less travel.
    2. As part of overall initial warm ups, Overhead Squat [(empty bar)10 kgs (1x3) & 24 kgs (1x4)].
    3. Squat – Warm Ups -> 45 kgs (2x5), 40 kgs (1x5), 60 kgs (1x3), 85 kgs (1x2)
    4. Squat - The 1 workset (5 reps) was done with belt. Felt fine, just really fine.
    5. OHP - Warm Ups -> 45 kgs (2x5), 25 kgs (1x5), 35 kgs (1x3), 40 kgs (1x2)
    6. DL - Warm Ups -> 50 kgs (2x5), 75 kgs (1x3), 105 kgs (1x2)
    7. Forgot to do Good Mornings (new addition & not used to doing this). Will remember to do this from next week.
    8. Push Ups - no problem with counts.

    Last edited by Srini B; 12-08-2010 at 02:12 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Wow, it was raining quite heavily (monsoons) the past 2-3 days here at Chennai. Large areas near my residence were flooded as a result and I could not make it to the gym on Mon or Tue for a Volume workout. I am going to try to get to the gym later this evening (Wed) or if not, then, definitely by tomorrow (Thu).

    So then, this will be my Volume workout (Wed/Thu) and I suppose I will therefore, not be able to do a recovery workout this week & will then need to go directly to an Intensity workout this Sat?

    No Recovery workout for this week and will only be able to do a Volume, followed by an Intensity workout (with atleast one day inbetween) later this week. Is this ok?

    Any advice on this (and of course, on anything else related to my TM intermediate program & workouts) is greatly appreciated... Thanks in advance...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Dec 9, 2010 (Thu) (Volume)

    LBB Squat (5x5) 106 kgs
    BP (5x5) 72 kgs
    Power Clean (6x2) 52 kgs

    Parallel Bar Dips (3x5) (Body Weight)


    1. Worked out at RedBulls Gym (no bumpers & no shoes allowed here)
    2. As part of overall initial warm ups, could NOT do Overhead Squats today, as it was a bit late when I reached the gym, and was in a rush to complete the scheduled workouts.
    3. Squat – Warm Ups -> 45 kgs (2x5), 40 kgs (1x5), 60 kgs (1x3), 80 kgs (1x2)
    4. Squat - No belt in sets 1-3 – used belt in the final 2 (4th & 5th) sets.
    5. Was generally feeling a bit tired during workout today - not sure why (maybe since it has been 4 whole days since my last workout).
    6. Squats felt quite heavy, but managed to complete all 5 reps in each of the 5 sets.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Could not go to the gym after the Thursday workout last week (ate too many peanuts on Fri which made me feel sick on Sat and consequently), could not go to the gym on Sat for the planned Intensity workout. Therefore, I decided to simply repeat all planned workouts from last week. The one change was that since I had completed Power Cleans last week (Thu), I therefore, decided to do Power Snatches today (Tue).

    Dec 14, 2010 (Tue) (Volume)

    LBB Squat (5x5) 106 kgs
    BP (5x5) 72 kgs
    Power Snatch (6x2) 36 kgs

    Parallel Bar Dips (3x5) (Body Weight)


    1. Worked out at RedBulls Gym (no bumpers & no shoes allowed here)
    2. As part of overall initial warm ups, did Overhead Squats [empty bar - 10 kgs (1x4) & 22 kgs (1x4)].
    3. Squat – Warm Ups -> 20 kgs (2x5), 40 kgs (1x5), 60 kgs (1x3), 80 kgs (1x2)
    4. Squat - No belt in sets 1-3 – used belt in the final 2 (4th & 5th) sets.
    5. Squats felt quite heavy again today, but once again, managed to complete all 5 reps in each of the 5 sets.

    Last edited by Srini B; 12-14-2010 at 10:45 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Dec 16, 2010 (Thu) (Recovery)

    LBB Squat (2x5) 82 kgs
    OHP (3x5) 46 kgs

    Back Hypers 3x10
    Pull Ups BW-P3, P3, P3


    1. Worked out at RedBulls Gym (no bumpers & no shoes allowed here)
    2. Squat – Warm Ups -> Front Squat 20 kgs (2x5), 30 kgs (1x5), 45 kgs (1x3), 60 kgs (1x2)
    3. OHP - No Problems
    4. Assistance Exercises - No Problems


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Dec 18, 2010 (Sat) (Intensity)

    LBB Squat (1x5) 110 kgs
    BP (1 RM) 82 kgs
    DL (1x5) 126 kgs

    Good Mornings (3x10)
    Push Ups (3xF) - BW - 13, 12, 11


    1. Worked out at RedBulls Gym (no bumpers & no shoes allowed here).
    2. As part of overall initial warm ups, Overhead Squat [(empty bar)10 kgs (1x4) & 22 kgs (1x4)].
    3. Squat – Warm Ups -> 20 kgs (2x5), 40 kgs (1x5), 60 kgs (1x3), 85 kgs (1x2)
    4. Squat - The 1 workset (5 reps) was done with belt. No problems whatsoever.
    5. BP - Was a little apprehensive, as this is definitely a PR. Did wear belt pretty tight. The 1 RM was only very very marginally difficult. Yay !!! (Standard warmups for bench, by the way).
    6. DL - Warm Ups -> 50 kgs (2x5), 75 kgs (1x3), 106 kgs (1x2)
    7. Did Good Mornings too...didn't feel anything from doing them. Will verify and see if I am doing them correctly.
    8. Push Ups - no problem with counts. (The third set, 10th and 11th reps felt difficult, but otherwise, everything was ok).


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