gripper training
coc T (full ROM)
right hand 21+20+13=54
left hand 15+13+12=40
gripper training
coc T (full ROM)
right hand 21+20+13=54
left hand 15+13+12=40
squat 130 kg 3x5
press 40 kg 3x5
i tried L pullups for the first time and that shit is hard
deadlift 130 kg 1x5
30 reps of 40 kg trusters in 3:40
bench press 70 kg 3x5
light squat 100 kg 2x5
power clean 60kg 5x3
one hand deadlift 65kgx1 70kgx1
3 rounds of:
1000 m row
15 pushups
15 situps
time: 17:23
i'm 91.5 kg
squat 135 kg 3x5
press 42.5 kg 3x5