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Thread: E=McSTRONG

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default E=McSTRONG

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Greetings all,

    I'm an old poster on here who's been quiet for a while. Not that I havent been lifting, I just havent been logging my progress like I should. My current PRs:

    Squat: 335 1x5
    Bench: 195 1x5
    Press: 125 1x5
    Deadlift: 355 1x5
    Powerclean: 135 5x3

    Goals: 500/400/300/200 by next summer(pending wrist analysis)

    Most of these PRs(except DL) happened back in March, before I sprained my wrist in a rather epic fashion, forcing me to take a few months off to rehab it and get it back into some sort of working condition. Then, a wedding and a honeymoon got in the way, but now I'm back under the bar and ready to start doing heavy work again. I've been on an LP for the last five weeks to get back to my old pre-TM levels. I've also got a consultation with a surgeon in a few weeks to look at my wrist(still pops and cracks, 5-6 months after the fact) so thats on the horizon as well. At first ya'll will see me do an LP, but shortly I'll be back on a TM style program. Lets get to it, shall we?

    Day One(Today, for the sake of this being only a decently long post)

    Squat: 315 3x5

    Felt good, though the last rep was a bit slow and I've been having more trouble having a "big chest." I am nearing my old levels though, so I'm not too concerned.

    Bench: 175 3x5

    Felt good, nothing significant here.

    Deadlift: 355 1x5(PR)

    So the idiot that I am, put 345(an old PR) and pulled it for a set of five. Realizing my mistake, and properly fueled by my own anger at myself, I put another 10 on and lifted it for another set of 5. Sore now, exhausted, but got it.

    Anyway, feel free to post your critiques and ideas if you have any. Thanks!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    How big are you? We are fairly close in most of our lifts, except that you MURDER me in the squat. Hope your wrist will stay together for you... I hate nagging injuries like that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I stand about 6 foot 1, and weigh around 215. It took me a while for my squat to get to where it is right now, of course, so no worries. Thanks though, dude, I really hope this wrist thing is temporary. I'm so tired of it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009



    That was perhaps the worst lifting session I've ever had.

    Squat: 320 2x5 1x3

    Sore as hell from the last workout. Didn't sleep much last night. Near my previous max. Lack of focus. Donated blood yesterday. All of these led to horrible form and really took a lot of out of me. So much so that I unloaded the bar improperly, nearly killing a guy(I think, the bar probably wasn't near him, but still scared the shit out of me.) Unforgivable. The rest of the workout, a wash, was as follows:

    Press: 105 3x5

    Chinups 2x5

    I'm pretty pissed, but not about missing my target. I'm more pissed that I violated such a basic safety rule. I'll definitely be more careful in the future. I'm taking a couple days off to recollect and I've got alert tomorrow. I'll be roaring back, though, with a TM volume day on Monday. No more excuses.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Monday 9/12/2011

    Much better day today, felt great.

    Squat: 260 5x5

    First day of TM programming for my squat. Went light to err on the safe side, these felt real easy and gave me a chance to really hammer down form.

    Bench: 180 3x5

    Again, felt good. I'm coming up on my PR(190) so we'll see how much more I can get on a 3x5 LP.

    Powerclean: 140 5x3

    Really knocked these out. Kinda strained my wrist but nothing too big. Feeling pretty strong for a PR attempt on Deadlift on Wednesday(365.) See ya'll then.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Wednesday 9/14/2011

    Squat: 245 2x5

    Light day for TM. Gonna be going for 315 on Friday.

    Press: 110

    Starting to feel a bit heavy, but still do-able.

    Deadlift: 365

    PR, big pull this week, pretty happy but already gearing up for next week's 375.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Friday 9/16/2011

    Squat: 315 1x5


    Bench: 185 3x5

    Felt good. Got mad cause this is my weakest lift, helped me get through the last set.

    Pullups: 5,4,3.

    Got a couple days off then Volume day on Monday for Squat and back into a press cycle next week, getting close to my old PR of 125. Also should be PRing on Bench(190 3x5) hopefully on the second training day of the week. Stuff to look forward to.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Squat: 265 5x5

    Press: 115 3x5

    I need to focus on keeping a tight/high chest here, because I can feel myself loosening up throughout my work sets. This is a problem with my pressing movements, something that I really need to work on.

    Chins: 6,5,4.

    Didn't do PCs because I'm still concerned about my wrist. Might start doing Rows or Shrugs just to get more back work into my plan.

    So when I arrived at the gym, some dudes, led by a crossfitter, were doing 135 10x5 squats. I wouldn't have minded this, except the crossfitter wouldn't share the rack because they were doing this "for time"(Aka 2 min off for each person.) The dude was giving good advice to his rookie buddies, but my biggest gripe with him was that he himself looked up at the ceiling during squats. When I called him out on this, he claimed to be doing it as a cue for keeping a big chest in the bottom of the squat. I tried to talk to him using what I've learned in SS and what I've learned from squatting deep for a few years, but he wouldn't hear me out. No big deal, but what really pissed me off(Though I didnt say anything-kinda regret that now) is that he told his third dude who was doing a high-bar half squat at best to "focus on form, not on depth." Kinda a non-sequitur, dontcha think?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Wednesday 9/21/11

    Squat: 255 2x5

    Light day.

    Bench: 190 3x5(PR)

    This is a big 3x5 PR for me. I'm pretty stoked about it, esp considering I was exhausted from studying for my GMAT this week.

    Deadlift: 375 1x5(PR)

    Another PR lift, two in a day, so I'll definitely take that. I think I did six total reps cause I forgot how to count when pulling the loaded bar. My back took a beating on the last pull because I think my form had deteriorated something fierce. We'll see how 385 goes next Wednesday.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Saturday: 9/24/11

    Took yesterday to take the GMAT/work. Now thats out of the, just gotta apply to biz school and hopefully start my degree in the spring.

    Squat: 320 1x5

    Felt easy, knocked these out real quick.

    Press: 120 3x5

    Might have cheated on the last rep of the second set with some knee movement. These are starting to feel heavy and I'm starting to critique my grip, which is real narrow. I may experiment with a wider grip next time.

    Pullups: 5,4,4.

    Need to get stronger on these, tired of looking weak on pullups/chins.

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