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Thread: Skinny guy rant

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Skinny guy rant

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    When did being a skinny weak man become fasionable? When did boys and young men stop admiring strength? When did the slights amount of discomfort become a reason to avoid progress?

    I'm ranting because a coworker came looking for a body recomp. He was 5' 7" and 18+. Pudgy and bad numbers from the doc at 29 years old. So he wants to train with me. Im no rockstar my self, but work damn hard. (Plus I am proud of my progress, but still have some goals of my own, mostly a 405 - 315 - 495 for reps goal and still be able to pass the cardio assessements part of my quarterly physical tests. )

    So I start his training with a GSLP kind of program, add weight when he make the goal reps, two days of short conditioning work, mostly prowler work.
    He struggles with deads, bench moves slow, squat goes from 135 3 x 5, to 245 for 5, 5, 8 (that is the only numbers I remember, but he did make progress on all of his lifts) bodyweight drops about 5 lbs. Gets to sets of pull-ups from not being able to do a single.

    All of the sudden he stops. "The prowler is hard". "I am not losing weight" "Its too hard" "I dont want to get bulky"

    Unfortunately I know the answer to most of my questions, just needed to rant for a bit.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Toronto ON


    all these are symptoms of being a bitch IMO

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Its a symptom of something. Bitch may be the disease.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by skipbeat View Post
    all these are symptoms of being a bitch IMO
    +1, you can't help these people, don't worry too much about it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Sacramento, CA


    Don't try and help these types. They need to be weeded out of the genetic pool somehow.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    I train with my 14 y/o girl. I keep telling her that it is not meant to get any easier, she's meant to get stronger. This plus the fact that learning to do things that are very hard makes life feels a lot easier.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    I don't think boys/young men do not admire strength, I just think being slim and lean is seen as physically more attractive than looking super strong. I know my criterion of judging a woman's attractiveness isn't based on her perceived ability to perform some functional task.

    I also can't imagine that there weren't a bunch of lazy guys who didn't want to do hard stuff in past generations too.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Taking the Piss


    Is he in the Fire fighting or EMS field?

    I thought I was pretty sweet because I was strong and could move. The defining moment was during a large area search drill with a down FF. I grabbed that sucka and headed for the nearest exit, handling the load myself. When my low air alarm went off, my Chief started screaming"I'll see you at your parade. I hope your mother owns a nice dress, it'll be the last thing she sees you in" and so forth. That shit jabbed me so hard I became motivated to improve my weaknesses. "Cardio" is still my weakness but I'm not afraid of being assigned the more laborous jobs.
    I'm basically recommending that HE harden up, and that you don't endanger your partners by letting fitness fall by the wayside.

    Anyways, good luck.


  9. #9
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    Mar 2010


    I don't think boys/young men do not admire strength, I just think being slim and lean is seen as physically more attractive than looking super strong. I know my criterion of judging a woman's attractiveness isn't based on her perceived ability to perform some functional task.
    But it does not work that way when roles are reversed.
    I would think in it's most basic state your criterion will be based around a woman's ability to produce offspring (pronounced hips and tits being main visual indicators) whereas woman's attraction to a male will typically involve appreciation for a tall, broad shouldered male (indicating strength, high testosterone, etc) who can "protect" them.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Draz View Post

    But it does not work that way when roles are reversed.
    I would think in it's most basic state your criterion will be based around a woman's ability to produce offspring (pronounced hips and tits being main visual indicators) whereas woman's attraction to a male will typically involve appreciation for a tall, broad shouldered male (indicating strength, high testosterone, etc) who can "protect" them.
    I could see why this may make evolutionary sense, but I just look at guys that girls seem to find attractive and big, strong men don't seem to be over represented to say the least.

    I also don't think being rather skinny makes a girl better at reproducing, but I generally am attracted to girls who are quite slim, even bordering on underweight BMI.

    I think trying to use evo psyche to determine what each sex is attracted to is likely to result in some pretty sketchy "science".

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